This is Rich from the NYC Regional FIRST Committee.
Since there is no official NYC Social Event at
this Regional site, one of the schools (Tech 334)
has volunteered to coordinate and host some
Team Social Events on Thursday evening and
Friday evening.
“Downtown/Uptown” Tour- A walking tour of the
NYC Financial District than head up to Time Square
for dinner and games at one of the Theme Restaurants.
An evening of Sport Fun and dinner at Chelsea Pier Sport Complex
For more information please contact me or
“evildoughgrl334” on CD, so student head count and
reservations can be made.
Even though it’s that Wednesday, a day before the regional, any FIRST team members and mentors are invited to a reading/signing and after-party for “Gearheads: The Turbulent Rise of Robotic Sports.” See the thread on this forum for details on the book or
the reading is at the Astor Place Barnes and Noble.
Wednesday, March 19
7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Barnes and Noble
4 Astor Place
Here is a new suggestion for Thursday Evening Social
at the NYC Regional:
Doubledeck bus tour of NYC- starting at the FIRST Arena
on Thursday after pit closing to downtown Finanical district, turn uptown, and finishing at Time Square.
Again- RSVP is required. Cost to be determined.
Contact me or Evildoughgrl334.