NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York City police have found a public relations boost in a two-wheeled scooter, welcome relief to a department criticized for suspected racism and excessive force.
The nation’s largest police force added the electric scooter known as the Segway to its means of locomotion two weeks ago, joining some 300 other police departments that use them. The attempt to combat crime has also helped police connect with the public.
“People love it. A lot of tourists take pictures,” said Officer Rafael Valerio, who zipped through Central Park on Wednesday, prompting cheers from school children.
“It’s a police Segway. That’s why it’s awesome,” said one of the kids.
Police suffered public backlash when an off-duty officer shot and killed an unarmed Honduran immigrant Fermin Arzu, 41 earlier this month. The shooting recalled a November incident in which four officers fired 50 shots at three unarmed black men, killing Sean Bell, 23, on his wedding day.
Ten of the scooters have been in service at Central Park, Yankee Stadium, Shea Stadium and Brooklyn’s Prospect Park.
The Segway, ridden standing up, allows cops to interact with the public while giving them a better vantage point at eight inches higher.
The scooters cost the department $5,400 each and can travel at up to 12.5 mph (20 kph), about the speed of a person sprinting.
The department also uses mountain bikes, three-wheeled scooters, cars, vans, motorcycles, helicopters, horses, boats and jet skis to get around.
Valerio said the Segway helped him be one of the first officers to respond to a ruckus caused by an emotionally disturbed person.
“I got to the guy rather quickly,” while fellow officers were struggling to run loaded down with equipment, he said.
You know whats messed up about this. A NY State Judge called the Segway a gas powered scooter and forced the rider to pay a $90 fine for it being ridden in the city. Since it cannot be registered for insurance OR state plates it is considered illegal to be used (even in the bike lanes). But yet the city will allow the NYPD or the USPS to use it for pretty much the same purposes. NYPD will be using this in place of foot patrol in parks, beaches & city streets and the USPS will use this to deliver mail eventually, BUT it will still be illegal to be used for recreational purposes. God I hate the law. It always works to the advantage of those who make it.
There was a time when people thought if you traveled faster than 25 miles per hour you would die from fright.
Subways and mass transit in NYC was once feared and shuned because of corrupt politicians like Boss Tweed.
Cars were once feared and shuned because they could scare the horses.
Now look where we are today.
While I certainly wouldn’t be extremely pleased with this decision (as a Segway owner), I would say this is a good sign. By allowing the police and industry to use the Segway, eventually many of the naysayers will have less and less evidence to use against the recreational use of it, as it will be proven to be a safe and effective mode of transportation.
How much does the Segway cost anyway? I could go to a dealer out here in L.I.C. N.Y. but I rather hear it from someone who owns one. =)
And hopefully as the Segway introduces itself into Law Enforcement and other industries the law will be extremely lenient in operating one and having it properly registered correctly. (Not as a Gas Powered Skateboard).
A brand new one is $5000, however you can usually find [used] ones on eBay for about half that price. Usually these are ones that Segway dealers use for demonstrations and test rides for about a year, so they may have a few scratches on them but otherwise they’re completely fine.
I apologize to the moderators if this thread sounds like a conversation. :o
If you purchase a Segway from a dealer, they will give you training (and usually a Safety VHS/DVD as well) unless you already know how to operate it. (I had been on a Segway tour before I purchased mine, so I had already been through a multi-hour training course.) If you purchase it online, such as from, then you’ll only get the VHS/DVD.