[OCCRA]: 2009 OCCRA Rankings

Hello all OCCRA teams!

Congratulations and thanks to all that were in attendance at the Walled Lake Northern Event this past Saturday. The setup and tear down went smoothly and quickly thanks to everyone that stepped in to help out.

Here are the rankings from the event. As the season progresses I will provide rankings from the additional events as well as the cumulative overall rankings. Remember, the placebo robot is there for a team to use that can not participate in a match with their own robot, but using the placebo robot will not earn your team points for the match.

Congratulations again to all and we will see you at Birmingham Seaholm this Thursday for our next event!

-Rob Jenkins

OCCRA 2009 Walled Lake Northern Rankings.pdf (11.8 KB)

OCCRA 2009 Walled Lake Northern Rankings.pdf (11.8 KB)

Hi Again to Everyone!

Congratulations again on another successful event. Thanks to everyone that helped make it possible and to Birmingham Seaholm for being a great host once again. They and Walled Lake Northern have helped to make both of our first events a great success.

Here are the rankings for tonight’s event at Seaholm as well as the overall rankings for the first two events. Remember, this will change as the season goes on and that only your top 12 matches will be used for your ranking score, so keep up the great work everyone!

We will see you on Saturday, November 7th for the Diversity Tournament.

Rob Jenkins

OCCRA 2009 Birmingham Seaholm Rankings.pdf (11.3 KB)
OCCRA 2009 Overall Rankings 10-29-09.pdf (11.7 KB)

OCCRA 2009 Birmingham Seaholm Rankings.pdf (11.3 KB)
OCCRA 2009 Overall Rankings 10-29-09.pdf (11.7 KB)

Hello OCCRA teams!

Well, we just got done with another great Diversity Event - thanks to all of the participating teams and Royal Oak High School for hosting the event. Here is the information everyone has been waiting for. Here are a couple things to remember:

The adult match was used in the scoring for the Diversity Event only. For the points that you accumulate during the season, those matches were eliminated. The Diversity Event points in the sheet attached do NOT include the adult matches.

Also, remember that the final points determine the order in which teams select in the finals for the Oakland County Championship. The total points for the season come from the top twelve matches that you played in. This won’t be finalized until the two qualifying matches are payed at the last event.

The other sheet attached shows the total of all the qualifying points so far this season. This should give your team a rough idea of where they are at. As always, any questions - let us know.

See everyone next week Thursday at Waterford Kettering High School for the next event.

Thanks again,
Rob Jenkins

Diversity Results.pdf (85.8 KB)
OCCRA 2009 Total Ranking Points 11-8-09.pdf (86.4 KB)

Diversity Results.pdf (85.8 KB)
OCCRA 2009 Total Ranking Points 11-8-09.pdf (86.4 KB)

Acrobat Pro 9.0.0 dosen’t like it
My other machine with Adobe Reader 9.2 dosen’t like it either.

Sorry Everyone…

Bouncing between Linux and Windows with my work laptop trying to make all of this happen. Let’s try an excel sheet with the info - it was a little too big so I had to zip the file…sorry for the extra steps. All of the comments in my last post still apply here.

Rob Jenkins

OCCRA Results 11-8-09.zip (9.35 KB)

OCCRA Results 11-8-09.zip (9.35 KB)

kettering tourny was all screwed up i hear a rumor about some wireless interfering the robots

Yes we had problems. Teams kept losing communication in a variety of ways. In the heat of battle it was very hard and frustrating for everyone. This type of problem has never happened before to so many… usually we can trace it down to a simple radio unplugged, bad cable or even an occasional bad radio.

We are working hard to find the issue and seeking advice from experts (IFI) to prevent any repeat of the problem.

Hey Everyone,

I apologize for the delay in the scores being posted, but as Mike Martus mentioned above, there were issues at the event on Thursday with communication interference. We are working to understand what happened, and while I don’t think it will affect the scoring, I want to be sure before anything is posted. My goal is to have the scores posted by the end of the night. Thanks again for the patience and understanding with this matter.

-Rob Jenkins

Don’t rush, people should understand from matches getting messed up. It would take more time to put the new rankings up on this site. you just want to be 100% sure that the points are right.

Good evening OCCRA teams,

Here are the current rankings as well as the scores for the season. There are two more seeding matches on Saturday and then the picking order for finals will be determined by the total of each team’s top twelve scores.

Also, as we have worked to determine the cause of last weeks issues at Waterford Kettering there is an important reminder for the teams. Please do not use any type of communication devices at the competitions. This includes radios and computer networks. Thanks in advance for your consideration and respect for the other teams at the County Championship.

Rob Jenkins

2009 OCCRA Results.zip (4.83 KB)

2009 OCCRA Results.zip (4.83 KB)

The attached file has the seeding list by point totals so far. Keep in mind that there will still be two more seeding matches Saturday morning.

2009 OCCRA Results Pre Championship Sorted.xls (27.5 KB)

2009 OCCRA Results Pre Championship Sorted.xls (27.5 KB)