[OCCRA]: OCCRA 2008 - Upgrade to Easy_C V2 for this year

OCCRA Vex Teams,

This year we have upgraded to using Easy_C V2. You must upgrade to this version this year. Start with Version Easy_C URL posted below.

Please save any past programs somewhere (CD, flash drive),
Unistall Easy_C Version 1 and install the latest version. Then, have your coach email me for the license key code. Each OCCRA team has only one Easy_C V2 license for use.

Email: [email protected] for license key.

Easy_C upgrade location: http://www.intelitekdownloads.com/Software/easyC/

The Intellitek activation process requires a handshake with an online server. When activating Easy_C with your OCCRA VEX license key (XXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ) it would be best if you were first connected to the World Wide Web in order for your license registration to be accepted. :eek: