[OCCRA]: OCCRA Competitions require VEX tether cable

Dear Teams,
In order to prevent inadvertent VEX robot operation from stray transmitters,
it is necessary to eliminate any transmission signals from VEX transmitters not participating in active VEX game field activity. For this reason, all VEX robots must use the tether operating cable when in the OCCRA Pit’s for practice and
or debugging. I have attached a 07 powerpoint document, copied from the VEX Inventors manual, for your reference. This information was verbally mentioned during the OCCRA kickoff workshop but may not have found it’s way to all the students/coaches/mentors.

OCCRA will have an assortment of transmitter crystals with a variety of frequencies, provided at game time, to allow VEX Transmitters to not interfere with each other’s operation.

Dear Teams,
OCCRA has purchased, for your convenience, a tether cable that you need to use at competition events. Please go to the information table to obtain a black, phone cord, tether cable if you need one. Next, remove your crystals from the transmitter and receiver module and put those away for the duration of the OCCRA event. When you come to the VEX field, the judge/mentors will provide you with a set of crystals to operate your
VEX robot. It is only at the competition field that the VEX robots will be using the VEX transmitter without a tether. If teams were to use the VEX transmitter while in the pits without a tether cable , it can and will interfere with the operator controlled period if the crystal frequency is common.

OCCRA has purchased two crystal sets, A & B, which each contain 4 different crystal frequencies (different than the 61 kHZ frequency provided in each VEX kit). Please remember to remove these crystal pairs and return them to the judge/mentors at the VEX field before taking your robot back to the pit area.

See you next Thursday at the Roeper Community Center.
Go OCCRA Teams!