Congratulations to all the 2008 OCCRA Teams that participated successfully in the Birmingham Seaholm High school tournament held 11-13-08. It was a great performance put on by the many teams in attendance.
Now for Vex Scores. Teams 1, OTC-NE, and 203 , Detroit Catholic Central, both tied for first place with 19 points.
There were three 2nd place ties with 14 points, Teams 47, 97 and 1188. Brother Rice/Marian, Team 573, placed
3rd with 13 points.
There were 6 autonomous scores for the evening. Both first place teams, 1 & 203, scored twice (surprise, surprise). Team 573 and Team 1188 both registered an autonomous 6 point score for the evening.
That makes 5 VEX teams that have scored during autonomous operation this year.
Overall rankings for past two tournaments: Team 47, 1st place, 40 points. Team 1, 2nd place, 39 points. Team 97,
3rd place with 31 points. DCC’s Seaholm scores helped to propel it into 4th place with 25 points.
See you next Saturday at Royal Oak High School for the OCCRA County Competition,