Here is a simple VEX, Cortex EasyC test program I created to demonstrate use of the VEXnet competition template.
After downloading any program including this one, cycle (turn off then on) the power to the Cortex controller.
This program outputs a line of text to the graphic display inside of EasyC V4. Graphic display is different than terminal display.
When VEXnet is disabled, the graphic display on line 2 displays for 1 -second the words OCCRA TEST PROGRAM - Initialized
When VEXnet is enabled in the autonomous mode from the disabled mode, the words OCCRA TEST PROGRAM - Autonomous on line 4 displays for 1-second and continues to display if left in this mode.
Switching to Operator control mode, the words OCCRA TEST PROGRAM - Initialized will flash in line 2 for 1 second, then the words OCCRA TEST PROGRAM - Operator Control on line 6 displays for 1 second and continues to display if left in this mode.
Switching to disable mode clears the graphic display and flashes the words OCCRA TEST PROGRAM - Initialized for 1 second?