What is the latest Master Code for the VEX?
I thought it was 8, but the latest version on VEXrobotics.com is 7 and it is from 2006. I cannot find any more recent master code. Does anyone know if the lastest Master Code is 8, and if there is a BIN for the IFI loader available anywhere?
Palardy, did you come to the OCCRA kickoff workshop for VEX? We covered this in the workshop – that’s why it is important to have someone from your team attend the workshop.
Anyway, the new mastercode is contained within the new version of EasyC, V2.9.3.0. Look in the help index in EasyC to see the instructions on how to download the new V8 mastercode. The VEX microcontroller will not work properly with the new version of EasyC until the mastercode is updated.
I have posted the OCCRA workshop powerpoint in the white papers section of Chief Delphi website.
The Killer Bees programmers have chosen to use MPLAB. (The words “Drag and drop” make us cringe in fear over past graphical programming language problems. And we’ve done more in C.) I understand exactly that I must update the master code, and that OCCRA recommends EasyC. I know exactly how to update the master code using IFI loader (the program MPLAB users use to upload code). I just need the file to upload. I have already done the VEXnet upgrade, but have not yet tested it. Another question, is there any way to test Autonomous mode when running VEXnet?
Let me post it here for you
File is in *.bin format and CD will not attach. Downloaded Winzip 12.1 on new home PC and doesn’t seem to work. Will bring to OTC-NE workshop on Wed – transfer to thumb/flash drive for you there.
Palardy et all,
I was able to send my yahoo account the MasterCode V8 file version. If you send an email to my account, I can reply with the file.
Use the VEXnet competition switch: http://www.vexrobotics.com/vex-competitions.shtml. Scroll about 2/3 the way down the page.
Oh, and for anyone who reads this thread now, VEX released the master code 8 and the MPLAB starter code for VEXnet on the downloads site on 10/8/2009.