This design, inspired by team 2399’s octocanum pod, is what my team is thinking about using for next year. We plan to mount it on the stock Andymark frame by widening the “wheel wells” and having it pivot around the colson wheel, which gives the mecanum wheels some sort of pneumatic suspension for better contact w/ ground. There are two different gear ratios for the 4" mecanum and 4" colson. The colson gear ratio gives an adjusted 5.85 FPS and the adjusted mecanum ratio gives ~20FPS. We plan to add an encoder onto the colson wheel and implement motion profiles and velocity PID control. What do y’all think about this design? We’re slightly worried about the sturdiness of the 4" vex mecanum. Anyone had any experience with this wheel?
Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Note:This design isn’t completely finished, I still need to add a place to actuate the pod, which we plan to do pneumatically.