[OFF] Washtenaw Robotics Competition 2019 Tier 4

Player Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Status Random List
EricKline 8:00 8:18 8:20 Live Picking (5530)
abbymarie 8:02 8:16 8:22 Live Picking (66)
Erik2175 8:04 8:14 8:24 Live Picking (5067)
tmpoles 8:06 8:12 8:26 Live Picking (4680)
nomythicalbeast 8:08 8:10 8:28 Live Picking (5676)
Available Teams
66 1023 1684 2834 3322 3641 3655
3707 4680 4776 5067 5502 5530 5567
5676 7147 7660 - - - -
@EricKline is up T4 at washentaw

1023 please

1 Like
Player Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Status Random List
EricKline 1023 8:18 8:20 Live Picking (5530)
abbymarie 8:02 8:16 8:22 Live Picking (66)
Erik2175 8:04 8:14 8:24 Live Picking (5067)
tmpoles 8:06 8:12 8:26 Live Picking (4680)
nomythicalbeast 8:08 8:10 8:28 List (5676)
Available Teams
66 1684 2834 3322 3641 3655 3707
4680 4776 5067 5502 5530 5567 5676
7147 7660 - - - - -
@abbymarie is up T4 at washentaw


Player Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Status Random List
EricKline 1023 8:18 8:20 Live Picking (5530)
abbymarie 3641 8:16 8:22 Live Picking (66)
Erik2175 8:04 8:14 8:24 Live Picking (5067)
tmpoles 8:06 8:12 8:26 Live Picking (4680)
nomythicalbeast 8:08 8:10 8:28 List (5676)
Available Teams
66 1684 2834 3322 3655 3707 4680
4776 5067 5502 5530 5567 5676 7147
7660 - - - - - -
@Erik2175 is up T4 at washentaw


3707 pls

Player Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Status Random List
EricKline 1023 8:18 8:20 Live Picking (5530)
abbymarie 3641 8:16 8:22 Live Picking (66)
Erik2175 1684 8:14 8:24 Live Picking (5067)
tmpoles 3707 8:12 8:26 Live Picking (4680)
nomythicalbeast 2834 4776 8:28 List (5676)
Available Teams
66 3322 3655 4680 5067 5502 5530
5567 5676 7147 7660 - - -
@tmpoles is up T4 at washentaw

bzz bzz im a lawnmower


go amon

Player Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Status Random List
EricKline 1023 8:18 8:20 Live Picking (66)
abbymarie 3641 8:16 8:22 Live Picking (5067)
Erik2175 1684 8:14 8:24 Live Picking (4680)
tmpoles 3707 5530 8:26 Live Picking (5676)
nomythicalbeast 2834 4776 8:28 List (7147)
Available Teams
66 3322 3655 4680 5067 5502 5567
5676 7147 7660 - - - -
@Erik2175 is up T4 at washentaw



66 and 4680 please


Player Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Status Random List
EricKline 1023 66 4680 Live Picking (5067)
abbymarie 3641 5567 3655 Live Picking (7147)
Erik2175 1684 5676 8:24 Live Picking (5502)
tmpoles 3707 5530 8:26 Live Picking (7660)
nomythicalbeast 2834 4776 8:28 List (3322)
Available Teams
3322 5067 5502 7147 7660 - -
@Erik2175 is up T4 at washentaw


Player Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Status Random List
EricKline 1023 66 4680 Live Picking (7147)
abbymarie 3641 5567 3655 Live Picking (5502)
Erik2175 1684 5676 5067 Live Picking (7660)
tmpoles 3707 5530 8:26 Live Picking (3322)
nomythicalbeast 2834 4776 8:28 List -
Available Teams
3322 5502 7147 7660 - - -
@tmpoles is up T4 at washentaw


Player Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Status Random List
EricKline 1023 66 4680 Live Picking (7147)
abbymarie 3641 5567 3655 Live Picking (5502)
Erik2175 1684 5676 5067 Live Picking -
tmpoles 3707 5530 7660 Live Picking -
nomythicalbeast 2834 4776 3322 List -
Available Teams
5502 7147 - - - - -
Done! is up T4 at washentaw

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