Okay folks, it is that time again. It has been a month since the FIRST Championships, and you have had some time to reflect on what worked about Rack ‘n’ Roll, and what didn’t. There are already discussions about what next year’s competition might be like. Well, this is your opportunity to influence the design of the game for next year.
The FIRST Game Design Committee is spinning up and working on design ideas for the 2008 game challenge. They are looking for good ideas, game concepts, rule suggestions, play field designs, etc - everything from a basic idea for a game to a set of detailed rules and parts drawings to a completely restructured tournament concept. With that thought in mind, we would like to once again ask for your help and open a thread to discuss ideas, concepts, and specific suggestions for the 2008 game.
We have read all the related CD threads posted to date discussing Rack ‘n’ Roll. There is no need to re-hash the pros and cons of prior games, or get too deep into philosophical discussions about previous years. Please keep those comments going, and please provide feedback on the 2007 game at the Team Forums. But please keep them in the relevant threads. Here, we want to figure out how to go forward and help build an exciting, challenging, stimulating and engaging competition for next year.
As always, here is what we can guarantee: EVERYTHING that you suggest will be read, discussed, and considered. Nothing will be ignored.
Here is what is not guaranteed: There is no promise that anything that is suggested will actually get used. For any of a number of reasons, the suggestions may be impractical, incompatible, or impossible to implement, and would not be incorporated into future games.
So, here are the ground rules (in no particular order or assumed priority):
The game should provide a sufficiently difficult challenge that it will stress the abilities of the students and engineers on the teams to design and build a solution.
The game should allow active participation by teams with widely-varying levels of resources.
The game should be interesting to play, involving some tactical and strategic depth, and without a single, predictable solution strategy that guarantees a win.
The game should be audience friendly and presumably TV-friendly (i.e. you can explain the basics of game to a TV audience in 30 seconds or less, it is easy to follow and exciting for the audience, and visually interesting for the duration of the match).
Any field elements must be able to be constructed from readily available materials (ask yourself this question “can I buy all the parts at Home Depot, Lowes or Builders Square?”). Field elements that can be disassembled into 48x96 inch (or smaller) units that stack against a wall for storage are encouraged; field elements that require seventeen people to move or a small house to store are discouraged.
The game should embody the values represented by FIRST (i.e. brings out the best aspects of a competitive spirit, advances the concept of mentorship within the team during the build and competition phases, does not promote needless destruction or violence, celebrates creative and imaginative solutions).
The game should be structured so that ingenuity of design is just as important (or even more so) than advanced fabrication.
There are no assumptions about the need for three-team alliances, limiting each round to just six teams, play fields in a single plane, real-time radio communications, etc.
There is a preference (but not a requirement) for robots to have both offensive and defensive roles in the game. There is a preference (but not a requirement) for a role for the human player.
Also, understand that we are soliciting ideas for more than just the game itself. We want to hear about different concepts for alternate technologies and capabilities that might be incorporated into (or removed from) the game, and the structure of the competitions themselves. We want ideas for all elements of the 2008 FRC. To help spark thinking and create a structure for focused discussion, four discussion threads are being created to start things off. These threads will include:
Game concepts - this thread is intended for fully developed game ideas. It is intended to collect complete game concepts, as well as be an opportunity to discuss and refine posted concepts. This thread can also be used to discuss possible themes to drive game design. For example, three years ago the FIRST Lego League used “Missions To Mars” as their theme to design a game to examine some of the difficulties associated with remote exploration of distant environments. There has not been a defining theme for the past several FRC games, but you may have ideas to change this. This discussion will take place in this thread (here).
Game elements and subtasks - discussion of ideas for unique game elements and subtasks. If you don’t have a fully developed game, but have a great idea about a piece of a game or an idea about something that has never been done before, then this is the place to talk about it. As examples from the past, someone could use this thread to post a suggestion to use funny pyramid-like PVC structures as an element, or that stacking stuff should be included as a challenging subtask, or that throwing objects would make for a great engineering challenge. Someone else may have a very creative idea for the role of the human player (while some may propose no human player at all). Others can use those ideas as a creativity springboard to develop a game concept. This discussion will take place here.
New technologies - a thread to present ideas for new technologies that could be introduced into the game or kit of parts. Particularly, suggestions for technologies, capabilities and design elements of the new control system to be introduced in 2009 are requested. If there is a capability that you always wanted to see in the control system – different development environments, more processing power, alternative communications schemes, new sensor compatibility, enhanced I/O options, etc. - this is the place to suggest it. Likewise, while autonomy need not be a part of a specific game, creative uses of autonomous components in any game are sought. Ideas about new drive technologies or inter-robot communications may be reviewed. This discussion will take place here.
Radical tournament structure changes - this thread is intended to collect innovative ways to structure tournament play. Using previous years as an example, this might include ideas to add human players to a robot-only format, or to change the three robots playing at once to a three-team alliance format. Sizes of alliances, lengths of matches, number of matches at a tournament, etc are all open for discussion. Like the above thread, this thread is meant to collect creative ideas that can be applied to any game concept. This discussion will take place here.
Understand that this will be a one-way valve for information (for a while at least). There will not be a formal response from FIRST regarding any of the ideas or concepts discussed here. If a suggestion is incorporated into the game, you will not receive any feedback or know about it until the game is revealed next year. If it is not incorporated, you may never hear why (because we will be saving any ideas not used in 2008 for possible use in future games).
If at any time during this year’s competition you thought “if I had designed the game I would have done it like this…” then here is your chance! We know that if there is a single place to go for this sort of input, it will be this forum! Let us hear your thoughts.
- 2008 FIRST Game Design Committee