"Official" IRI Announcement

It is now official, the IRI will happen this year! We have signed the contract today and the IRI will be at Lawrence North High School in Indianapolis. The competition will start at 4:00 pm on Friday July 19. There will be no inspection or weigh in for this event so gratious professionalism is expected. That evening (approx 8:00?) we will be having a hog roast in the parking lot, much like what Kokomo had last year. The roast will be a free will donation. The qualifying matches and elems will then be wrapped up on Saturday July 20. Cost for this event will be $300 per team and we currently have a limit for 30 teams. If your team is interrested in attending this event, please email me at: [email protected] for more information. Online registration will be up in a coulple of days on Cyber Blue’s website http://www.cyberblue234.com in the IRI section. You may also check out the IRI section of our forums at http://forums.cyberblue234.com. Spots are filling up quickly so reserve your spot for this EXCITING event!

This event is jointly being run by teams Cyber Blue (234), Full Metal Jackets (393) and TechnoKats (45).

*Originally posted by David Kelly *
That evening (approx 8:00?) we will be having a hog roast in the parking lot, much like what Kokomo had last year. The roast will be a free will donation.

Bring on the TechnoPigs!

DJ… would you have a picture of last year’s TechnoPig?

Andy B.

ps… these pigs will be coming from my family’s hog farm in Monticello, Indiana


Fear the pig!
To conquer the pig, you must eat the pig!!! :smiley:

:slight_smile: :wink:

(now i must run from PETA)

Thanks, Clark!

I was thinking…

That pig can get pretty good traction, and it has alot of power while having some good speed.


Could it grab one of Beatty’s outside goals and spin their robot 90 degrees?

Could it push a Bionic Bulldog into the endzone?

Could it pull a Las Gurella out of its scoring zone and across the field?

Could it beat SPAM to the middle goal?

Could it shift into low gear and out-torque a Cheesy Poof?

Could it gobble up more balls than a Rage machine?

Could it hold it’s position as well as a Gompei Goat?

Could it lift a goal as high as a Beach Bot?

Could it change directions as quickly as a Gila Monster?

Could it tame a Wildstang?

I surely think so.

I wonder if we can get live pigs to be on the “Additional Materials List”? Does anyone have a torque/speed curve for a 130 lb. pig? Also, I wonder if Innovation First has the time to develop a pig controller? Hmmm… maybe those pointy hooves will tear up the carpet. Also… the pit area would start to smell.

Man… this seems too difficult… we getter just roast 'em up and enjoy the BBQ at the IRI on July 19 & 20.

Andy B.


oh and the truck that you transported it in, really smelled funny after you brought the truck back.

On the other hand,

It did taste very good :smiley:

Who puts there name on a pig, then kills it, puts it in the ground and eats it. I had the chicken last year and i think i’ll do it again…

It scared me then and it still scares me now that ya’ll have that pick.

But i’m still lookin ofreward to IRI

                        PS... a pig ain;t got nothin on a penguin

Hungy WildKats do…



Registration for the IRI is now available at our website: http://www.cyberblue234.com or the following link: http://www.cyberblue234.com/IRI_Reg.html Once you register online, you will receive a confirmation via email to notify you of your registration and a spot will be reserved. You will not receive your final invoice for final registration until your payment is received in full.

any questions can be sent to me at [email protected]

*Originally posted by sidewinder *
**Who puts there name on a pig, then kills it, puts it in the ground and eats it.
PS… a pig ain;t got nothin on a penguin **

Who puts their name on a pig and eats it, The Technokats do! Why, because we are hoosiers, and our pig could take your penguin any day…

Just think of it this way, farmers brand their cattle to identify it, we had to “brand” our pig so we could identify it before we sent it off to the Slaughter house :smiley:

yuuuuummmm Pork!

we still have 22 spots remaining for the IRI!!!:frowning: common guys. you gotta sign up for this exciting event! go to http://www.cyberblue234.com and click on the IRI section of the website for more information. direct registration can be found here: http://www.cyberblue234.com/IRI_Reg.html

Over at T190 we wish we could make it out to the IRI again, but no-can-do this year. We’re running a two-week FIRST robotics camp as part of the Frontiers program and our last day of camp is Friday, July 19th. Spreading the comp over two days makes it impossible for us to come. As well, it was just a bad date for the team because we wouldn’t be able to leave a couple days early and drive out like last year.

We’ll be missing the fun… but we know you’ll still have plenty without us… and next year we’re hoping to see some teams from the mid-west (and maybe west coast… hey we travelled out there this year too!) come over for Battlecry. It’s one of the toughest competitions as is… but mixing in some other teams from all over would make it ever tougher!

Have a great time at IRI! :slight_smile:

i’m sad to hear you won’t be here this year. :frowning: we’re really going to miss your team. next year the IRI will be in may rather than july. we got a late start this year do to the transfer of power from TechnoKats (45) to Cyber Blue (234). we hope to see your team back next year!!!

We’re planning on coming, but we’ve been dragging our feet somewhat. Expect a form from us within a few days.

*Originally posted by Jeff Waegelin *
**We’re planning on coming, but we’ve been dragging our feet somewhat. Expect a form from us within a few days. **

you guys have registered so i guess you are comming now:cool:

Our final decision should come either this week or next week, still punching out some details…We’ll try our best

only one thing left to say bout the pig thing


hmmm… i guess thats what everyone thinks of us hoosiers. oh well i prolly am a hick

btw, it’s the TechnoKats

*Originally posted by David Kelly *
**btw, it’s the TechnoKats **

Ha! Look what I started! It’s the Technocats I tell you, the Technocats.

You said the competition starts on Friday at 4, but you didn’t say what happens then. Is it normal qualification or are you having some side events?

How many teams have signed up so far, and are you releasing a list of teams yet?


*Originally posted by Mike Soukup *
Ha! Look what I started! It’s the Technocats I tell you, the Technocats.

its TechnoKats…no C…If our town was spelled Cokomo we would be the Technocats…but our school is the WildKats because K for Kokomo

Next thing…There is nothing wrong with eating pig…only wimpy vegetarians and PETA activists would say otherwise…

I love Pork!

Pig Power!

and David, will you be publicly releasing the teams who have registered soon??

i’ll talk to my people about that. i’m not sure what they want me to do. and on friday, we will have practice rounds for a few minutes for each team and then start qualifying rounds. we’ll get 2 rounds in if we are lucky.

i’ll get back to you on the list of teams, but “officially” we have 10 signed up.