does any body know what oil i can use to re oil the Pneumatics cylinders?
You shouldn’t ever need to re-oil them
Bad boy, Gadget470, lyin to nrademigod like that. Pneumatic oil is pertinent for optimal performance of all pneumatic components. Grab some at an auto parts or hardware store. Use it every day.
Gadget470 is right, the cylinders are pre-lubed when assembled and don’t need any further “oil” . Check the manufacturers website out for confirmation.
I understand that they’re pre-lubed. That’s not the point. The pre-lube is a grease, not an oil. The oil will help your cylinder perform better than one without it. That’s all.
i would use some oil made for air tools. you can find it at any auto or hardware store.
Actually we did a study on how oil affects high speed pneumatic applications and found oil ( both synthetic and non ) to be detrimental to the speed and operational life of the three types of cylinders we were using. It gathers in cylinders and tubing, reduces cross section of ports , plugs up exhaust filters , and is non compressable by nature and reduces working volumes. The lubrication properties it has ( and therefore speed and “performance” gains ) are lost on the fact that all cylinders are speed limited by the reduced size of the ports. They build in a flow control to keep peeps like us from blowin the things apart by crankin 'em too fast. I think the standard SMC max speed is something like 10"/sec. Take a look inside that 1/8 npt fitting and you’ll probably see a tiny orrifice no bigger than .070. I promise you, check with the manufacturers sites on this one, no oil.
Hope this helps
Okay, I’m still gonna continue to use oil to lubricate the pump and pistons. It’s good for the pump, I swear.
*Originally posted by Gadget470 *
**You shouldn’t ever need to re-oil them **
Dave Johnson (Director of sales at SMC ) said that to me during a seminar I took with him.