Old Andymark Chassis side plates

Anyone know the vintage of the side plates in the pictures? The inside plate doesn’t match the current AM14U3 chassis and I’m trying to find a STEP file for it.

Current AM14U3 CAD / am-2952a / AM Page

Picture of the side plate we have and are trying to identify.

Well, we’ve got 3 choices total - AM14U, AM14U2, and AM14U3. You’ve ruled out the 3. The AM14U had a partially angled front/back, so we can rule that one out. Try searching for the AM14U2, I think that’ll match.

It is almost certainly the U2. The giveaway is the fact that those holes on the left/right are equally sized, unlike the U3. On the U3 they can hold 1.125" bearings.

CAD files for those are here.


Yes, that’s a U2 inside sheet. We’ve been using those for three years; no question.

If I understand the documentation correctly, the only difference is related to the mecanum/4 independent gearbox drive. The U3 is designed to use the TM-micro, where the U2 (I understand) works with the TB-nano.

Props on finding that hidden page! I guess our URL / part number scheme isn’t too hard to figure out :stuck_out_tongue:

Can confirm these are U2 plates

Speaking of hidden pages, it seems like we actually still have some in stock if anyone needs more…



I am honestly not sure what’s up with that, I will check in the morning…

The U2 was actually not compatible with the Nano. We tried that in 2015 with our AM14U mecanum upgrade kit and had sad results.

If I remember correctly, AM produced a gearbox and upgrade kit that was specifically compatible with the hole pattern in the AM14U2. I can’t seem to locate this gearbox on the site anymore, though, but did find it through the Internet Archive: link.

Of course, this is only relevant if you want to use mecanum or 4-gearbox independent drive.

In regards to the in-stock plates I can report that Billfred is on it! They do in fact still exist, but stay tuned for an update within the next 2 weeks if you are interested in them. (We are pretty busy around here this time of year)

Yea, that gearbox was rather short lived as it’s sole purpose was to put mecanum wheel on the U2.