Old Threads with links to other threads broken

I understand the reasoning maybe but threads that answered issues using links to other post are broken. :neutral_face:

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Do you have an example you can link me to?
The main showthread/showpost URLs should have redirects.

Has broken 5 links.

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This Thread links to an answer for " Type deprecated Error "Type deprecated Error

Also this post with a link to a paper Using JeVois Smart Vision Camera

The only link from that set which didn’t work for me was the one using “threadid” in the querystring instead of “t”. All the others successfully redirected to what I assume is the correct new URL.

It’s working for me now. Before I got an error message.

I added ‘threadid’ to the redirect pattern, so those should be working now.

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the only post in efoote868 linked post for me is the one with the threadid= the others with t= still error. If I right click and open in new tab they work. This action is also present in my linked post.

So for the mean time the answer is to follow a linked post right click and open in new tab?

That may be it, for now.

Apparently the permalinks the importer used shouldn’t be used for internal redirection:

I had been CTRL+clicking the links to open in a new tab (force of habit) - probably why they appeared to be working for me earlier.

What is the correct way to link topics?

This is only for the old URLs… new threads you can link to the main thread or use the URL given at the top right of the post that comes up when you click the time on the post.

Any plans to rewrite old links in old posts so this isn’t a significant issue for those browsing old threads in future?

Potentially … I’ll put it on my list.