Old Virtual Kit Codes

Our team did not take full advantage of our virtual KOP resources last year. We missed out on a number of opportunities, such as downloading Solidworks, American Button Machines design software, and signing up for accounts on GrabCAD and Tableau. Most of these (excluding Solidworks) require a code from TIMS, which we can no longer find as TIMS has reset for the 2016 season. Is there any way to get these software and accounts or must we wait until the new Virtual KOP is released and hope that these sponsors are generous enough to donate again?

The old TIMS offers expired, so we wait for the new season offers.
Many of them repeat every year, so you’ll see them again.
Pay attention to the offer expiration dates, but usually they expire either around the end of the build season or Championship.

For Tableau, you can use Tableau Public. It’s decent and they are improving every day on it.

You can ask Solidworks for software anytime during the year. Check out this thread on CD


As far as i know, Grabcad workbench is free now. So you can just sign up for that through their website.
