OM5P-AN router - NPF Error

I am trying to use the FRC configuration utility (FRC_Radio_Configuration_16_2) to load the firmware onto the radio (OM5P-AN router). On multiple computers, I launch the program, select the Ethernet port, and hit the “Load Firmware” button. I then get the error:

Bridge firmware load field. Error finding NPF device name for adapter: Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller #2
Please reset the bridge and try again

Any idea what is wrong?

I ran as administrator
Disabled the wifi adapter
enabled sharing on the adapter
set the ip address to dynamic
disabled antivirus

OK, just went through the pain you are going through right now. We started here:

Then we read the section:

"OM5P-AN Firmware Note

For the FRC Radio Configuration Utility to program the OM5P-AN radio, the radio must be running an FRC specific build of the OpenWRT firmware. Radios recieved in the KOP are already flashed with the FRC firmware and should not need to be re-flashed, proceed to the next step.

If you do need to re-flash the firmware, or reset the radio (the only way to reset is to re-flash), see the instructions at the end of this document on how to do so using the FRC Radio Configuration Utility."


Those instructions and the Radio Config. Utility did not work repeatedly using 2 different laptops either updating firmware or configuring the radio!

My frustration level was super high at this point:

After attempting to configure or flash the firmware (repeatedly), the new radio/bridge via the instructions written by WPI and the radio config. utility for/from the FIRST website last night and early today during shop time, we finally gave up and I asked a student to search CD for another solution from others with the same issues/problems. That led her to this thread and 2 others.

I read each thread she found, and found the solution (a solution that worked for another party here). That solution contained a process completely different than the FIRST published directions using OpenWRT (3 different downloads and a CMD window with Admin priv., and those instructions are contained on the AndyMark website. See: I found them tonight!

(I guess that you must e-mail AndyMark to receive the actual instructions to flash the firmware). I certainly thank the OP here at CD for the address listed in their thread, and will update tomorrow w/ the proper link to the instructions hosted by AndyMark) Though I do not know why that link isn’t on their pages for the radio (though I thank them for having them available via asking by e-mail), or on the FIRST website.

I then followed those OpenWRT flashing instructions and the laptop I was using during the CMD window to flash the radio (a Win 7 unit), did not locate the laptop’s NIC Device (there was no list of devices generated in the CMD window at the proper point of the flashing start, to start choosing a NIC device)…It did not list the laptop NIC, then the CMD window froze and no further character entries were allowed in the command window.

Lucky me, I was frustrated beyond belief at this point. So I texted/called my eldest son (An FTAA, heading to FTA training this week, and a wiz of a longtime educated network administrator…NATE, and hollered and begged for h-e-l-p.

I also asked him after we get the radio flashed and know the proper procedure, if he would beg FIRST to add the correct procedure to their website this weekend when he arrives for FTA Training in N.H. since the utility will not actually update the firmware if no firmware bin file is written into the radio to begin with.

Here is what we found out…OUR RADIO FIRMWARE WAS NOT PRE-FLASHED per the WPI/FIRST instructions. (It did not overwrite or clear the blocks once we switched laptops to a Win 10 unit that actually listed the devices once launching the update file and the bin file containing folder…and once Device 1 was chosen (that NIC in the laptop), it loaded the files and reopened the CMD Window, IMPORTANT Note: though we needed to power cycle the radio to actually start it flashing the firmware (Warning: It felt so out of character to a computer repair technician-ergo…ME, to unplug/re-plug in any item during a firmware/BIOS flash process, but it was actually necessary to start the firmware update though, go figure)…It started immediately upon plugging the radio back in…It just prepared then wrote the firmware bin file properly while I watched using the OpenWRT flashing executable and the bin file together.

(I also waited an hour the other night as we updated the RoboRIO because it still said “Firmware Updating…” after the animation window went away within 4 minutes. I feared bricking/door stopping the RoboRIO…When I flashed it the second time to update it to the latest 3.0.0… file, I knew it was completed within a few minutes!)

We still need to now configure the radio tomorrow using the balance of the instructions we will print out tomorrow. (The AndyMark instructions). Then we will test the Radio Configuration Utility also.

OK here is the link to the AndyMark instructions. WE WERE SUCCESSFUL IN UPDATING THE FIRMWARE using this process.

(I will post the link tomorrow, or you may e-mail AndyMark if you need it before then). See above I found both the CD thread (TY to the participants of that thread), and the AM link.

Other Notes: (Our experiences).

  1. Get the required 3 downloads. Note: When going to the OpenWRT website it is strictly a file index depository…That entire link (as posted in the instructions), ends in a 404 not found page.

Copy the entire link, paste it into a web browser, then go to the end of the address, then backspace leaving the word (Crap, I will have to put this word in tomorrow) as using only about half the link gets you to the actual correct website/webpage file directory/depository. (I just started removing words, and refreshing the browser after each removal until I reached the proper page).

Then you go to column 4, and scroll down to the only entry that lists “om5p” and (save target as: to download the flash file)…I am sorry but since the AndyMark website does not have the actual instructions posted (takes e-mailing them to receive said instructions), I will have to finish this post tomorrow when I have all the links available that are on 1 of our driver station laptops at school.

  1. I deposited the 2 files (the OpenWRT Flash.exe file, and the BIN file), in a folder on the root drive (C:\om5p). Install the other application (if you have been attempting to use the Radio Config. Utility…Then you have already downloaded and installed both Java and the other needed application file and program).

  2. As soon as the firmware update is complete on Win 10, an “all devices discovery allowance” window will open on the right side of the screen, click YES to that window, then the radio is discovered, and you can go on to load the browser called for in the instructions and set up to configure the radio using the Radio Config. Utility.

  3. You do not actually have to disable the wireless NIC IF you know the name of your Ethernet NIC. (Once we switched over to the Win10 Laptop, we still had the browsers w/ instructions still open, and wireless running), we just chose the proper NIC Adapter listed in 1.

  4. After giving the command to flash using CMD, radio was on, we unplugged it and plugged it back in (power cycled the radio), and the firmware updating began.

  5. Nate taught this old dog some new tricks w/ CMD addressing or command window shortcuts that I have never actually used before…Thanks Nate my son!

I will update this post tomorrow evening (1/21/16), with the rest of the info in proper order (the CMD commands we used to actually complete the firmware update w/ the shortcuts, as long as just those 2 files are properly placed on root in a single folder).

If you choose to follow the AndyMark instructions, I suggest simply substituting the FRC specific firmware file for the non-FRC radio firmware.

The FRC specific version is located at C:\Program Files\FRC Radio Configuration Utility\firmware.bin

The ap51-flash.exe program is also there and can be used following the AndyMark directions.
That’s all you need for flashing the firmware.

According to this Q&A, the FRC Firmware is different from the OpenWrt Firmware. Since I could get the Andymark Instructions to work, I looked to see if I could find the firmware. While FRC is correct that the FRC firmware is not available for “separate download”, a quick inspection reveals it is part of the FRC Radio Configuration Download as Mark mentioned in the prior post.

By the way, the NPF error has nothing to do with the status (firmware or otherwise) of the OM5P-AN, as the OM5P-AN is not yet connected to the computer.

Here is what I did:

  1. Make sure your Hardwire Ethernet Connection (not wifi) is set to “Obtain an IP address automatically”. You can find it in your control panel/network connections, and select Properties of the correct adapter. Look for something with IPV4, and select the properties of that.

  2. Note the name of the hardwire ethernet connection.

  3. Install the FRC Radio Configuration utility. I presume if you are reading this post, you have already done that and are frustrated at the Bridge errors.

  4. run “cmd” to open up a DOS Command window. Steps 5-8 are done in the Command Window.

  5. Navigate to the FRC Radio Configuration utility. The default is something like: "C:\Program Files\FRC Radio Configuration Utility". In the command window the following commands will get you there:

cd “\program files\frc radio configuration utility”

  1. type “ap51-flash”. It will list the ethernet adapters. Note the number of the adapter for your hardwire connection.

  2. Make sure the power for the OM5P-AN is unplugged, and the connection to the ethernet is connected to the outside port (the one farthest away from the power port).

  3. type “ap51-flash <adapter number> firmware.bin”

  4. when the program says “listening …”, plug in the power for the OM5P-AN

  5. When it says “device ready to be unplugged”, unplug the power from the OM5P-AN, and plug it back in. It will take a minute for the OM5P-AN to reboot. The power light will go on. It will go off. Finally it will come back on with the port light also lit.

  6. You should now have the correct firmware, and can run the FRC Configuration Utility to Configure the Router. It may take a minute for the program to “find” the Router. If it fails, just try again. We had to press the “configure” button twice before it found the router and configured it.

Note: until we get to an event, I can’t confirm that the above procedure is correct. But, it seems like it to me.

Note 2: We have 3 radios (router) for multiple robots (including prior year). In order to run more than one robot simultaneously, you need to give each radio a unique SSID. While you could give each radio a different team number (with the FRC Configuration Utility), that would make you change the driver station too. What we did is installed the openwrt firmware on the other radios, and gave them a different SSID. The Driver Station then picks the right wifi SSID to connect to for that robot. Andymark took down the instructions for that from the product webpage, but you can email them for the instructions.

Just an update to my post above:

We followed the rest of the Andy Mark directions for configuring the radio and it worked like a charm.

I can see where Rich’s & Mark’s directions above would also get you there, but, with no firmware flashed/installed on the radio already, just using the Config. utility alone without the CMD Window and a copy of the flash & .bin files, it simply does not.

Hmm… I was getting the same NPF error. This was on a new drivers station laptop. I was thinking it had to do with the config utilities’ support
for a newer NIC. I tried on my older drivers station laptop and
process worked just fine. I thought I had made sure to set up
for DHCP both times… I didn’t have to resort to using ap51-flash directly.
Would have definitely have preferred to just manually configure
the router like last year…

We were having the same problem, same error but then I saw somewhere on the configuration utility to try flashing the firmware through a network switch. When I plugged it into the network switch it worked. Does anyone know why this was the case?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I think some laptop NICs drop the connection almost immediately if there is any interruption in the connection, while a switch will hang on for longer retrying.
During the process the connection is broken and reformed several times as the device settings change and it has to be rebooted.
Switches just tend to be more forgiving.