Hey everybody,
My team (3928) recently participated in the Robots to the Rescue competition. We are finding some troubles with online collaborative design projects. As much of the “offseason” appears to be from home for a lot of teams, we are wondering what your experiences with design meetings and processes like this are and if you have any tips and tricks. Thanks everyone!
Come to the meeting with an agenda and specific things to discuss. Leave the meetings with tangible deliverables for each person to do before the next meeting.
Ask yourself before you schedule a meeting “does this really need to be a meeting or could it be distilled into an email?”
Make sure that team members who may not be able to join the meeting has a way to make sure to check what happened(meeting notes, trello/notion, etc.)
Those are all very good points… specifically related to design, what do you think would be a good meeting structure? We have had some troubles with everyone not being on the same page as far as what we want our robot to look like or how a mechanism will work. This results in our subteams conflicting with each other if they are not meeting at the same time to work on the project. This can also be a problem if a subteam needs a certain piece of information from another and they are not available. Has anyone found an efficient way to get everyone on the same page short of large group meetings?
Make sure, if possible, you have 1 person working on the “big picture”. This allows for the total robot design to look more streamlined and coherent.
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