Online programming mentor request

Our team has never had a programming mentor, and while it is a good way for students to learn to code, it is awfully inefficient. While many students toss questions onto CD frequently, it also seems inefficient. Is there a team, or a mentor, who would be willing to answer questions from time to time online (not CD, perhaps Slack or something). Perhaps looking at our students code on github. Even better, if other teams are in similar situations, perhaps they can post an “adopt us” request here and willing mentors could adopt them if possible. Just an idea.
Our team uses Java, the CTRE ecosystem, and a limelight.


There are plenty of very smart people here and on the programming-help channel of the FRC discord, but I understand the desire for more direct support.

I’m happy to help from time to time, though I’m not sure I have the time to adequately support another team. I also recommend looking into The Compass Alliance for support.

Also, where is your team from? Are there any local teams that could take you under their wing?


We have pursued a lot of local teams and the District people, but not had any success.

What team are you with? Perhaps we can help get you in contact with someone.

RedShift 3676

Ah okay, Arlington TX. I don’t personally know anyone down there, but perhaps someone else can chime in.

If nothing comes of that, DM me and I’ll see what I can do to help.

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Hi Ambrose! Fellow Texan here, I am a mentor for team 3481 Bronc Botz from San Antonio and I am an alumni and programming mentor for the team. I would love to give you guys a hand from time to time and would be more than happy to be on call for any programming issues you all run in to. Feel free to DM me for more info on how we can work together!

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I can put out feelers to my co-workers in Dallas (I’m in Ruston, Louisiana) to see if they know anyone in the area who may be interested. Doubt it would be anyone with prior FRC experience, but I’ll see what I can do.

If unable to though, I too am willing to answer questions and offer code review/critique. I have a similar arrangement with another team this season as well. just DM me as well if you’d like.

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Thank you all.


Happy to help where I can, timezones permitting.

Though I don’t think I can volunteer for a full “adoption”, count me in for code reviews, control systems, and general Java advice. I also usually attempt coaching on “how to ask the question properly”, which may (?) actually be the core of your woes.

I can’t promise any particular turnaround time, but I do frequent this website and am extremely easy to nerd-snipe.

I know you said not CD, but I’m curious why - Maybe start a running DM with everyone on this thread who’s agreed, and just start asking questions? Or use this thread if you want to make stuff public?

Note on the effectiveness: Without being able to see & touch the robot, nor run code and see the exact output, there’s gonna be a lot of slowness in the response times from online individuals.

A lot of my advice will likely come in the form of a suggested requirement (ex: “Put a sensor near the intake such that it detects a ball exactly when…”), rather than exact implementation specifications. Moving from the former to the latter requires a lot of built-up knowledge about exactly what assumptions go into the robot, and the team’s technical capabilities. These can be anywhere from easy to hard in person, but almost always are impossible to debug thoroughly when remote.


I would also be willing to help from time-to-time whenever I’m available. I also see we are both going to Dripping Springs (and potentially DCMP and Houston Worlds) so if you find yourself in need of programming mentor guidance at those events we should have a programming mentor to spare.

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Do you have a public Github that you can link here?

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Though you said you’re looking for an actual human mentor, I’ll go ahead and plug my lead programmer’s YouTube channel, Zero to Autonomous. We’ve had very good feedback on it so far :slight_smile:

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Here is the github.
The current problem is they are receiving unusual values during the dynamic portion of characterization. I apologize if I am doing this wrong.
Any suggestions would be appreciated whether related to the characterization or other aspects.
Thank you.

This is perhaps getting a little off-topic for the thread, but can you describe the “unusual values”? It’s possible your units are inconsistent, or a number of other possibilities.

On the dynamic graph there is a “clump in the middle that causes the best fit line to go almost straight up.”


Yeah, that’s definitely not right. For the sake of keeping the thread on-topic, I’m going to recommend you open a new thread with that issue. There are quite a few people on here that are much more knowledgeable about the characterization stuff than I am, and they’ll never see this comment.

I’m assuming you’ve read through this as well?

Out of curiosity, are you using mag encoders, and if so, how close are they to your motors?

Thank you. This was done on a KOP chassis with mag encoders right below the CIMs on the TB.
Yes on the documents. They are following it line by line.