Only half of the robot turns

We are having a peculiar issue with our arcade drive, when we drive forward or backward everything works normally, but when we try turning only the right side of our robot turns, whether we are turning left or right, while the left side doesn’t move at all.

This is the code we have for driving in teleop:


So this code works normally for going forward or backwards, which is why I don’t think it is a wiring issue, but somewhere in the code.

Sounds like it might be Cheezy drive? I seem to recall seeing something about WPILib incorporating Cheezy Drive into their Arcade code. Or maybe I just imagined that…

The implementation in wpilibj does not appear to be cheezy drive…

  public void arcadeDrive(double moveValue, double rotateValue, boolean squaredInputs) {
    // local variables to hold the computed PWM values for the motors
    if (!kArcadeStandard_Reported) {, getNumMotors(),
      kArcadeStandard_Reported = true;

    double leftMotorSpeed;
    double rightMotorSpeed;

    moveValue = limit(moveValue);
    rotateValue = limit(rotateValue);

    if (squaredInputs) {
      // square the inputs (while preserving the sign) to increase fine control
      // while permitting full power
      if (moveValue >= 0.0) {
        moveValue = (moveValue * moveValue);
      } else {
        moveValue = -(moveValue * moveValue);
      if (rotateValue >= 0.0) {
        rotateValue = (rotateValue * rotateValue);
      } else {
        rotateValue = -(rotateValue * rotateValue);

    if (moveValue > 0.0) {
      if (rotateValue > 0.0) {
        leftMotorSpeed = moveValue - rotateValue;
        rightMotorSpeed = Math.max(moveValue, rotateValue);
      } else {
        leftMotorSpeed = Math.max(moveValue, -rotateValue);
        rightMotorSpeed = moveValue + rotateValue;
    } else {
      if (rotateValue > 0.0) {
        leftMotorSpeed = -Math.max(-moveValue, rotateValue);
        rightMotorSpeed = moveValue + rotateValue;
      } else {
        leftMotorSpeed = moveValue - rotateValue;
        rightMotorSpeed = -Math.max(-moveValue, -rotateValue);

    setLeftRightMotorOutputs(leftMotorSpeed, rightMotorSpeed);

Can you try using the stick’s move and rotate axes so you can print those off as you send them? (and post the output here)

The robot is currently being re-assembled, I will be able to post the output on monday.

After the robot was rebuilt the issue disappeared. Thanks for all your help though guys.