Only One Side of Arcade Drive Works

When driving the robot, only one side of the drive train spins. We are using a 4WD kitbot with SPARK MAXs and NEOs. Driver station gives the following message:
3:44:41.618 PM
Shuffleboard.update(): 0.000195s LiveWindow.updateValues(): 0.233479s robotPeriodic(): 0.021037s disablePeriodic(): 0.002106s disabledInit(): 0.004692s Warning at edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.IterativeRobotBase.printLoopOverrunMessage( Loop time of 0.02s overrun Warning 1 Loop time of 0.02s overrun
edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.IterativeRobotBase.printLoopOverrunMessage( SmartDashboard.updateValues(): 0.009826s Watchdog not fed within 0.020000s

code can be found at

I currently can’t see the code but I will be able to in about 30 min or so. But I do suggest first that you try running one motor at a time to make sure it is not the motor problem. Also make sure the positives and negatives are same for the motors on the same side bc they might be fighting each other.

I agree, just set the voltage of a motor

Can you try and reset your sparks to default settings in your code, there’s a simple command for this, I believe it’s something like:


I’ve read that configuring sparks using the client only, will mess things up. So factory resetting the sparks in your code, and from there configuring them will probably help.

I don’t see anything obvious looking at the code.

My first instinct is to check to make sure the motor is connected correctly. Look at the diagnostic lights on the motor controller to make sure they’re on and blinking correctly (consult the REV Robotics docs). Check the CAN loop to make sure it’s wired correctly. Check power. Run Phoenix Tuner and see if you can run the motor.

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