Onshape Panel Tuesday 4/28/20, 7:00 PM Eastern

2020-04-28T23:00:00Z the Onshape team is going to be hosting a panel of mentors and students that are experienced in using Onshape. We will have Mike Corsetto and
Nathan McAllister from FRC team 1678, Blake Borque and and Matt Flood from FRC team 4909, Ty Tremblay and Dominic from FRC team 319, Eric Leifermann from FRC team 2826, and Julianne Hannon from FTC team 11770.

You can register to join us here: https://www.onshape.com/resources/webinars/first-team-panel-and-qa-session-042820

You can also sign up for our other upcoming webinars below:
May 7, 7:00 PM (EDT) - Preparing your Submission for Robots to the Rescue
May 12, 7:00 PM (EDT) - Robots to the Rescue Office Hour
Recordings from previous webinars can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhAXW_PYqOo&list=PLOPIJtr7Kd_4fWM4k3pIYLE6qnFJXDeSE&index=1

If you have any specific questions or topics you would like us to cover, please reply with what you would like us to ask.

(Mod edit: Changed to Discourse date function for better clarity)


1678 is looking forward to being a part of this panel! Should be a great time.




Would 1678 mind talking about which feature scripts they use most as well as how they divide up robot space to different subsystems.

Thanks, Daniel - 1425


These are both questions that are a part of the panel tomorrow, hopefully we’ll get to them! We’ll be prepared :slight_smile:

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Very excited to be on the panel and talk about how Onshape allowed me to keep being a mentor.

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319 can’t wait to be on this panel. Onshape has revolutionized our design process since we started using it in 2017!

If anyone has questions for the panelists, post them here. See you tonight.


For teams who previously used something else for CAD, is there anything that you miss from it?

For teams who do a lot of CNCing and start in Onshape, what do you do for CAM?


I have 1678 using Cut2DPro for all our sheet parts and we use SolidWorks with HSM for 3D parts and stuff like tube.

Thanks again to all of the amazing teams that joined us! Here is the recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYebB9Mczhk&feature=youtu.be


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