Onshape Q: best way to orient kop chassis to origin

For kop chassis teams, one of the first steps might be to use MKCAD to insert a kop chassis of desired configuration into an assembly & then start designing in context of it. When one inserts the chassis model like this, it is not centered over the origin as one might desire. What is the best way to center an inserted model (not from a part studio) like that over the origin? I thought there was a way to add an offset mate connector & use that, but I wasn’t finding that option in the assembly tab last night, only part studio. Thanks.

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When you bring the KOP chassis into the new assembly place it where ever in the assembly file. Locate the subassembly on the right window (Chassis) You can see the triangle movement pop up now. if you right click on the circle where the lines meet you can right click and select move to origin. I’ll try and post of snaps of the process.


Thanks, that places the part’s center of volume at the origin, which is most of what I was hoping to do. If someone then wants to place the drop center wheel “on the floor”, I believe they just need to measure the z distance from the top of the chassis to the bottom of that wheel, and then move the chassis up by half that much. And then they can fix the chassis in place & go from there. Sound right?

You could do a planar mate between the xy plane and the bottom of the wheels


Another option I have used, is to derive the chassis into a part studio and then manually add a mate connector to the spot where you want the origin to be. Then insert that new part into the assembly.


Hey Allen,

Is it possible to derive entire assemblies in place?

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Thanks. I thought I knew how to do this from a past training, but going back to this tonight I’m having trouble getting the chassis or any parts from it into a part studio. I think it’s because parts are versioned/linked in from somewhere else, and I have only view access to those places…so I cannot edit in context (for example). I feel like I need to either break those associations or create my own copies that don’t have the associations, but looking at help & searching the Learning Center, I’m not figuring it out. I tried a copy parts / paste to different assembly - no luck. Still learning Onshape (we switched from F360 last year). Thanks to anyone who can share what I’m missing - quite likely something simple I don’t know yet :). --Chris

Additional comment: I would think if we have a game requiring lifting from the floor, KOP chassis teams may want to edit the front plate so it is open in order to intake from floor level. It’ll be good to have an explanation of how… edit in context is how I perceive people would like to do it, but I can’t seem to get it to work with MKCAD-inserted chassis. Thanks again!

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