Onshape - setting properties of MKCAD configurable parts

After inserting MKCAD configurable parts into an Onshape assembly, there appears to be no ability to change properties for the parts. This might not be a problem for something like a configurable bearing, but something like a configurable shaft or a configurable extrusion needs to have a custom name (e.g. shooter shaft, intake shaft, rather than just Shaft <1>, Shaft <2>, etc.), a custom part number since it is going to be fabricated, and potentially other custom properties.

I can derive a configurable part into a part studio and modify properties there, then subsequently insert the part into an assembly, but that seems to be an inefficient workflow. It’s hard to believe that Onshape hasn’t thought ahead such that configurable parts might need to have editable properties in an assembly.

Am I missing something about how to modify configurable part properties for parts directly inserted into assemblies, or is it actually impossible?

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I don’t think you’re missing anything, and I don’t think what you are looking for is something that industry wants or needs.

A configurable part is in essence an off-the-shelf component. At most, a part cut to length. FRC has taken this further than it is probably meant to be used especially in shaft configurations which in no way represent a component that can be purchased.

Typically in industry, these configurable/off-the-shelf parts would be included on an assembly drawing along with all the custom parts. There, it would be given context for the first time. A BOM table would list the P/N and vendor/manufacturer and an exploded view or other detailed view would locate it in the assembly. Understandably, FRC teams stop before they get to this step, relying on the designer to communicate this information to the machinist either directly or indirectly through some sort of external part tracking spreadsheet where you additional properties can be added easily.

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Use the “custom length extrusion,” “extrusion grid,” and “Part Numbers” featurescripts to make parts in a part studio and insert them into an assembly instead of using configurable mkcad parts. I’ve never used the mkcad configurable parts but these featurescripts are extremely flexible and I think they would solve your problems.

Thanks for the advice. I use those Featurescripts, along with the excellent Tube Converter and Shaft Featurescripts by Julia.

Given those Featurescripts, I was mostly wondering why the configurable custom part libraries exist when they aren’t for configurable off-the-shelf parts like @RickyRobot mentions. My experience and the feedback here suggests that the Featurescripts are more consistent with the way Onshape works. I expect that I’ll be mostly using the Featurescripts for custom fabricated types of parts and advising my team to do the same.

I think your workflow sounds great.

Short answer to your rhetorical question: every team/designer weighs these pros and cons differently. Convenience on the front end drives the need for it to exist.

Personally I’ve never touched the part properties. Whatever students are making the parts for a particular mechanism go into the 3D model and pick out and measure whatever it is they need to make. I admit it’s quite a bad workflow, but it’s where my team is at.

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