Ontario Drivers Ed 2013

A chance for Ontario teams, whether they are rookies or veterans, to train up new driver recruits or polish experienced drivers.

When: Saturday December 7, 2013 12:30pm to 5:00pm
Where: Oakville, ON
Bonus: Webinar by Karthik Kangagasabapathy
Cost: $35 per team

See link to brochure for more details


What will the webinar be talking about

Karthik will talk about “Driver selection and driver training”

Will there be a way to access the webinar if you aren’t at the event.

Although I enjoy Karthik’s lectures, I don’t like them that](https://www.google.com/maps/preview#!data=!1m4!1m3!1d2602381!2d-75.4444225!3d42.7331583!4m26!3m22!1m5!1sBoston%2C+MA!2s0x89e3652d0d3d311b%3A0x787cbf240162e8a0!3m2!3d42.3584308!4d-71.0597732!1m5!1sOakville%2C+ON%2C+Canada!2s0x882b5b8b8f729979%3A0x5037b28c7231bd0!3m2!3d43.467517!4d-79.6876659!3m8!1m3!1d2602381!2d-75.4444225!3d42.7331583!3m2!1i1366!2i666!4f13.1!4i1!5m2!13m1!1e1&fid=0) much

I too enjoy karthik’s seminars but from Texas to Canada is way too far!

Karthik has generously agreed to do this for our event. I’m not sure if he’s interested in taking this to any wider audience. You might PM him and see.