Ontario Tech Ri3D - Robot Reveal & Technical Release

Hey everyone!

Ontario Tech Ri3D is a university-based Robot in 3 Days team from Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. After unfortunately missing two build seasons due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are exited to say that we are back and better than ever with a brand new robot for the 2023 game, Charged Up!

Our team created our robot “Trident” over the past 72 hours (actually more like 45 as we did not work much overnight), through various prototyping stages and iterations. Our day 1 and day 2 recaps as well as our robot reveal videos can be found here:

YouTube - Ontario Tech Ri3D

You can also find our live streams on our twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/otri3d.

In the next few days, we are hoping to put together a full technical release. This will cover all of the details regarding the overall design of our robot and will provide all CAD resources and software documentation.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have about our robot or 3-day build season, and wish all teams good luck during their build season!


Trident is awesome. Amazing what y’all did in a few days !


Our technical release is now available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjEiz3oKg0w

You can also download our CAD files here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BH7b8j-4mh5APVmfyVgeAW_gT_OehuBk/view

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