Open Plea for an AI Limelight


We love our Limelights. The integrated HW/SW combo is great and it was approachable enough that our students, who can be very adverse to new things, took it and ran with it without nudging from mentors. I also love the built in calibration routines that use the boards.

The Raspberry Pi 5 has the new Hailo AI Kit and I assume there are other accelerators available for the Pi 5. We would love a “Limelight AI” that is a color, global shutter camera and an accelerator in a single bundle.

Yes, I know we could cobble that together with an OrangePi and PhotonVision, and a LiPo battery pack, but our team is more likely to be successful with the types of integrated packages that Limelight provides.

In the meantime, we will continue to pray that Google keeps producing Corals (so far so good!) to plug into our Limelight 3’s


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PhotonVision on an Orange Pi is pretty bulletproof, from what I’ve seen. Just flash a microSD, plug in few cameras, and you’re ready to rock. You can also use calibdb patterns to calibrate on PhotonVision.

And they include AI models for the latest game that run on the Rockchip NPU.


What would the purpose of the LiPo be, and wouldn’t r602 make it illegal if it wasn’t already part of the computer?


Not if it was a USB LiPO battery pack within voltage/current (or maybe standards) specs used to power the pi and or camera. If it was an integrated device, the accelerometer or an IMU wouldn’t be an issue either (and not against the spirit of the rules even if it weren’t - I’d consider a smart accelerometer or IMU that is connected to a pi a computing device).