Open-Source Robot Hardware Emulator

Hi All,

Team 1736 has been working on a platform for simulation of FRC robot hardware. It is designed to provide predicted robot performance data through physics-based simulation. A set of electronics hardware allows the PC-based simulation to be driven by FRC robotics electronics and software (so electrical and programming teams can validate before the physical robot is completed).

For anyone who has worked with professional NI or dSpace hardware before, this system is designed to be similar - replicate the behavior of mechanical systems through a real-time, hardware-in-the-loop system. The difference is it’s geared toward FRC components, is fully open source, and substantially cheaper than anything else on the market (that I’m aware of).

It’s definitely a work in progress still, but I figured I’d toss out the link if anyone’s interested.

I have a whole slew of questions, but being that this is an early draft I’m sure you guys are leaping different physics hurdles as you can.

I hope the team continues interest in developing this program further. Between refining, new tech, and new FRC field obstacles, this is something that can be continually improved 10 years out and an amazing learning tool.

As it gets further refined and easier to use, I can see a lot of teams really appreciating this.

Have fun with it.

Feel free to shoot off any questions you have! We’ve made some design decisions as to what software and interfacing to use, but are of course open to input! And yes, the whole field setup is still in its infancy- we will be expanding the library of field components and robot parts as time goes on. Sorry for the lag in response time!