I have two JeVois cameras connected to the USB ports of the RoboRIO. One camera is streaming data only and the other camera is streaming data and video. I am able to open one serial port but opening the second serial port fails. I have tried kUSB1 and kUSB2, kUSB and kUSB2, kUSB and kUSB1, kUSB and kUSB, but nothing works. One serial port only. I understand some team use Arduinos to collect serial data from the JeVois. I may have to do that but before that, is there a way to open more than one USB serial port? I checked the ports and I have a ttyACM0 and ttyACM1 in the /dev directory. I have swapped the USB port for the cameras, same issue. Each camera works individually but not simultaneously. This is driving me crazy. What is the trick? Can I open the serial port directly by opening the /dev/ttyACM0 and 1 ?
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