Wondering what is the proper way to get the Inventor file (from a PC) to the AutoCad WS Program on my IPad (sync’d of course to a MAC). There’s no Inventor Program for MAC, so I’ve tried opening the program in AutoCad for Mac, and then converting it to the .dwg format required (I think) for AutoCad WS. No luck.
I also tried to drag the .iam file to the desktop, hoping I could open it (via ITunes) in AutoCad WS, but no luck either.
Possibly Inventor files can’t be displayed in Autocad WS?
Question 2: is there an Autodesk Inventor version for MAC upcoming? That would be awesome…
I do not know how to do this, but there is a way to download the file directly onto the ipad using the Inventor App. this requires a certain autodesk account. As for Inventor for Mac, I certainly hope so, because as soon as it does I can dump Windows off my Mac
It is very possible to convert Inventor parts from the PC version to an .idw or .dwg. Not having AutoCAD for Mac, I don’t know if this would be more directly transferable (I don’t know if those are the same file extensions as AutoCAD for Mac), but that’s certainly one way you could try to go about it.
Direct transfer of an .ipt or .iam, like you tried, probably shouldn’t work…
Picking up on your comments about Inventor and the MAC OS X. There is no version specifically for the MAC (there is for AutoCAD). However, it does run successfully on a MAC using any of the Windows OS partition options such as Boot Camp. Here is a link from the Autodesk web page. This also applies to 3ds Max.