During a match are opponents defined as the blue alliance (3) vs. the red alliance (3) or is it team (1) vs. teams (5)? I would consider alliance partners as team mates, not opponents. Any other thoughts?
There is the Red Alliance (three teams) vs the Blue Alliance (three teams) in each match. The teams on an Alliance are teammates. Each team on an Alliance gets the same qualifying/coopertition/etc. points after the match (unless one is disqualified - then that offending team gets 0. Don’t get DQed.). During the qualification rounds, the team assignments are “random”. Your opponent one match may be your ally the next.
After the qualifications are finished, based on the win/loss ratio (and other algorithms, outlined in Section 5), the top teams then get to pick who will be on their alliances for the duration of the tournament. These are the elimination rounds, and the alliances are set from there on out. Your partners are your partners and your opponents are your opponents.
I have another question, Is only one team at a time allowed to use the kinect?
Because I watched a video and it looked as if there will only be two kinects in at a time. One for the Red Alliance and one for the Blue Alliance.
Again, my question is… is only one team at a time aloud to use the kinect or do all three teams of a specific alliance use the kinect at once?
Yes, one kinect per alliance.
It wouldn’t hurt to spend some more time reading through the rules. I need to read them all again, myself.
One team from each alliance can send a human player to use the field-side kinect during hybrid mode to communicate with that team’s robot. All three driver stations have the capability to connect to the kinect, but only one at a time per side can. All three teams may use a kinect mounted on the robot as a sensor. Once the teleop mode begins, the field-side kinect becomes obsolete.
only one team per alliance gets to use the Kinect during hybrid mode, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t have a kinect on your robot…