OPR after Week One Events

The OPR/CCWM numbers have been posted, please see


There are a number of points I would like to make:

  1. Central Valley data is incomplete, finals results not published, team results not accessible from “Query” tab. I will include Central Valley data in future weeks when data becomes available.
  2. Central Valley data OPR data is included since we only use qualifying round match results
  3. OPR for auto, climb and teleop are calculated similar to last year. They are in each regional/district tab in column AA to AC.
  4. World OPR/CCWM ranking is calculated. However since there are no interactions between teams playing in one event with teams playing in another event yet, the numbers should be very close to their OPR/CCWM number from the one event. It is not very meaningful right now. I am showing it for completeness.
  5. All future events links have been added. You will be able to refresh and recalculate OPR/CCWM at every event if you have internet access.

If you find any error or have any questions, please let me know.

Thanks Ed for setting this up. We look good in numbers. :slight_smile:

Top 10 overall winning margin

1986	60.0
610	51.0
3015	48.2
245	44.3
11	42.6
3931	41.7
4451	40.9
3173	40.9
48	34.1
862	34.0

Top 10 autonomous OPR

1986	28.7
70	22.9
11	16.4
1918	16.4
3501	16.3
2590	16.1
133	16
4124	15.6
3974	15.5
3656	15.2

Top 10 climbing OPR

1277	32.2
4819	31.6
213	28.0
4451	27.0
1991	25.3
61	24.2
340	19.2
1168	17.6
3196	16.8
539	16.6

Top 10 teleop OPR

3173	37.9
610	36.4
1986	33.9
131	31.3
245	29.9
2590	27.8
3015	25.7
1640	24.7
862	24.7
11	23.8

MORT looks good in numbers too! :slight_smile: What’s crazy is that people at Palmetto let 11 and 245 even pair up! 4451 was also fantastic. Great rookie team for 2013.

I forget, what’s the difference between OPR and CCWM now?

1.) Pyramid range shooters lead AUTO
2.) Full court shooters lead TELEOP
3.) Climbers lead CLIMB points

No surprises here.

Though I would expect this to change in the coming weeks. As defense adapts to these playstyles, I think pyramid range shooters teleop points will only climb (no pun intended) and as the powerhouses unveil, jacks of all trades will start to dominate climbing.

Well you also won your event so I guess that helps :smiley:

Calculated Contribution to the Winning Margin (if you have the file look at cell F31 on the query sheet)

Don’t remind me of my mistake…

Was hoping our week 1 performance would give us a top 10 opr worthy look, but now that we’re rolling into week 2, we likely won’t see this list.

I see that. My question still stands, how are the two metrics different?

  • Sunny G.

It’s intended to take defensive contributions into account by using the winning margin rather than the points scored. Ed’s got a thing on the math; the first file on the CD Media page he linked.

Wow. I cannot believe what I’m seeing right now. This is so cool! /dork

Thanks, Ed and Akash.

Except 610 (at least from the videos I saw) and 1986 are both pyramid shooters, and are numbers 2 & 3 on the teleop list.

610 is capable of shooting from the pyramid as well as full court shooting. Both are showcased in this video from their final match of the weekend.

I agree with what you’re getting at though, you don’t have to be a full court shooter to put up some of the best teleop numbers, 1986 being a prime example of this.

Very nice; I guess I don’t watch enough video. I wonder if I can find someone to pay me to do so…pesky day job.

Did they start getting blocked, and just do pyramid during the finals? Or did I see just the aberrations?

From my interpretation if they thought they could shoot without being impeded they would do full court shots. Otherwise, they will do pyramid shots. Their full court shooter is deadly accurate when they do run it though.

Quick correction: Ed and Aaron* :slight_smile: My post was quoting Aaron.

1640 looked solid at Hatboro, I’m happy a couple of the teams on Aaron’s lists are from MAR.

Agreed, some of the best pyramid shooters can lead teleop but 3173 (exclusive) and 610 (optional) were both full court shooters as far as I know. Like I said, I expect this to change the more prevelant defense gets. 3003 absolutely shut down 3173 in the seminfials at FLR with their arm and anyone tall could do that. However, qualifications are luck of the draw, so expect full court shooters to be seeding high as they won’t always have a competent defender against them.

At BAE, our main strategy was actually to run cycles from the feeder station to the pyramid. With no defence played, we were able to run 7 cycles (shoot 28 discs) into the high goal and low hang. We did this in finals match 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvjdNey2IlM&list=UUx-UAlC_r-hOLj6lrIM554Q&index=7

We only demonstrated our full court shots during 2 matches, where we were fairly certain that no defence would be played on us. However, when defence was played, it turned out that we gain more points through running cycles than with the long bombs.

Thanks for the kind words!!


Just watched the Kettering videos. Looks like 70 had some similar autonomous ideas to our team. Who else on this list was consistently scoring extra autonomous disks? It was more rare than I thought it would be week 1.

Hearing those shots hit right above the driver station over and over again before they ever touch the sticks has to leave quite an impression with the opposite alliance.

We didn’t at Traverse City but fully expect to be doing so at West MI. 2474 struggled with it early so they aren’t on this list, but they were shooting more than 3 later on. I am also a bit surpised at how rare this has been so far, considering how valuable and relatively simple it is to do.

Gotta love them Martians…