I’m sure this has been asked and answered, but I didn’t find it in my search. Looking at the kitbot and everybot it looks like their fixed angles are around 57-59 degrees. This makes it easy to make shots right against the speaker, but doesn’t allow much wiggle room away from the speaker base.
Does anyone know what the optimum angle would be if you wanted to hit shots from the base to say 2 -3ft (or further) away? I know it’s less than 57, but not sure how much less. Is that even possible with a fixed shooter?
Check out this video from our Ri3D testing. Our shooter was ay 60 degrees (Optimized for subwoofer shots) and we were able to shoot from about 1 foot away.
Optimizing for subwoofer shots seems to me like the best approach for a fixed shooter. If you’re going for a fixed shooter, it’s likely because for whatever underlying reason, you have decided to spend fewer resources on a shooter. In this case, why not optimize for the shooting position that leaves the most room for error in terms of accuracy? The target is gaping wide when your robot is next to the speaker. You may never miss, even with a shooter that would be highly inaccurate from further away.
There is space for multiple robots next to the subwoofer to shoot, so you won’t have to wait for your alliance partners to shoot their notes before getting into position.
And if you’re worried about defense, you have options. One thing is to spend a bit of resources figuring out how you can launch the note as quickly as possible once you’re in position. Or you can plan on being a part-time defense bot yourself, messing with your opponents’ offense if they’re messing with yours.
We plan on multi-angle, but see subwoofer as a great way to avoid defense, since once your in contact you shouldn’t need to double check anything (instantly shoot, doesn’t give defense time to knock you out of place).
this reminds me of my 7th grade science fair project, where we were determining the optimum angle to jump the furthest distance on a dirt bike keeping as many other elements as possible relatively the same, low and behold we discover 45° was that angle. obviously, this is a different situation, but it brings back that fond memory.