Hi there, we recently purchased an Orange Pi 5 Pro. We are using the beta 1 image specifically for the 5 pro from the photonvision releases page. It was working great and dandy up until today when it randomly wouldn’t boot at all. There was the power light on the pi but no activity light or display. I’ve tried reflashing, different SD cards, different operating systems, all to no avail. I’ve checked different power supplies too, so it isn’t that either. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks
I guess it could be that the CPU on your orange pi is burned, due to some reason. Have you noticed any of the chips on the motherboard getting abnormally hot when powered?
I’ve had similar experience where I plug a 5v output directly into a gpio pin when the pin is pulled down, and the prosessor just breaks down permenantly and the CPU just gets incredibally hot once the board is powered. I don’t know if this works on your case since the board I’ve broken is a K230 instead of an Orange Pi.
did you try plugging into a monitor/keyboard and try to boot off there and see if you can see the boot sequence?
It not, try to reflash your SD card if you are using that.
We put things onto an NVMe SSD card (~20 off Amazon) and it boots under 5sec usually but we have experienced similar issue today where it doesn’t boot anymore but didn’t get the chance to troubleshoot it (think our student going to reflash it).
I would recommend using HDMI to connect it to a monitor, and watching the boot process. That should give you some additional data that might help.
If you don’t get any boot output at all, you might try re-downloading the boot image again. If you have a corrupted download, that’ll certainly cause problems. I think Etcher will usually catch this though.
Another potential cause of failure would be your power source: If it’s less than 2A, you might encounter boot issues, but you probably want a 5A supply for a full photon vision setup.
FWIW, I had some issues with my Orange Pi 5 Pro as well: It would often fail to boot, and when it did boot, would lock up within a few minutes. The printed errors onto an HDMI display helped me identify it as a bad SD card, or at least an SD card that simply did not like operating within an orange PI. Flashing a different SD card did manage to fix it, and now it’s fine.
yea i have and reflashed multiple times. i don’t currently have an NVMe but i will get one and test it that way. there is no display on either hdmi ports
See if you can flash a default OS onto a separate/spare SD card and see if that will boot or not. Use the Orange PI 5’s own image from their website probably best. If it doesn’t, then chances are good that something on there is fried.
I used Armbian and Raspberry Pi OS on different SD cards with no luck. I looked on the orange pi’s website but their downloads are hosted on google drive and it told me “download failed due to quota” or something. Tried poking around different files there and all nothing.
Scroll to bottom and try the OPI OS (OH). It should open to