Order of Selecting who plays in Elims

So, who has read rule T5?? Basically all three alliance members have to play, so as it says, look for robust partners…

My question is this will leave a strategy of what order you play your alliance members and who sits out, etc… Much of which can be dependent on who you are playing… Who has “home ice” and get’s to send their players out last? You really can’t have this happen at the same time, teams would be trying to “fake” out other teams with false placements, last minute changes, etc.

I can see in many cases that being very important to some (many) teams…

Something to think about…

FIRST could ask that each alliance tell an official which teams would be playing the round before either team places their robots out.

*Originally posted by M. Krass *
**FIRST could ask that each alliance tell an official which teams would be playing the round before either team places their robots out. **

Good idea, and there are many ways it can be done… but most importantly, there needs to be a ruling on it and an agreed upon process… I wanted to make the point and see how everyone else read and viewed it.

*Originally posted by M. Krass *
**FIRST could ask that each alliance tell an official which teams would be playing the round before either team places their robots out. **

Isn’t that what has happened in the past? They needed time to enter which robots were competeing in the computer, before they were put on the field.

Last year, The alliance captain decided which teams would be on the field. All three teams did need to compete in the Elims. They gave the numbers to the ref’s before the match.

Yes, the alliance captain (i.e. the seeded team) normally informs the ref before the match who will be playing. This way FIRST can enter the team numbers correctly for the field, etc. And if someone is missing from the field, they know which robot they are going for. I don’t see why they wouldn’t do it again.