I have a VAIO FW series and I have tried three types of OS and they all worked. I was wondering which OS you guys like the most.

Which Version of Windows, 7? Which Version of Mac OS X, Snow Leopard? Or are we presuming the latest and greatest?



latest and greatest

(This thread opens up a can of worms, just to warn you)

My personal favorite is linux. I use my computer for it’s power, and don’t particularly care for user-frendlyness.

I second Bob’s comment about opening a can of worms.

Because you said you are using the ‘latest and greatest’, I suggest using Windows 7 if you want a very user-friendly environment, and Linux if you want a very finite level of control over your computer, and its applications.

I’ve not used a Mac for more than 20 minutes in my life, but I can tell you that I’d prefer Windows and Linux over Mac by far. :stuck_out_tongue:


“windows” and “latest and greatest” usually don’t go together very well

I prefer Mac OSX but I am looking at installing both Linux and Windows on virtual machines. First I need a bigger hard drive and more RAM.

Running Mac OS on a non Apple machine violates the Mac OS EULA and is thus illegal.

If I have a preference, I always go Mac OS, but I don’t care that much.

I couldn’t vote, since neither CP/M nor DOS were given as options. :mad:

LOL!!! Me either… CP/M and DOS are always good enough. Who needs the "bloat"ware of Windows!

Given the choices, I prefer LINUX over Windows…

Given the reality of the world, you’re kind of “stuck” with Windows.

Speaking of Windows, I just installed Windows 7 64bit on a machine.
It’s even MORE bloated.

Whatever happen to simple elegance?

HAHA funny story about OS’s.

I got my Compaq laptop back in September and had little to no issues with vista despite rumors that it was a pain. Around Thanksgiving an error message appeared on my screen when it started up saying that a startup file had been erased and then it would shut down. So I used my grandfathers recovery disc to restore vista but a few days later it went down again. I then preceded to order Windows 7 as they were offering it free to those whom purchased vista within a certain time. During that time I was able to get another recovery disc to restore it again but didn’t use it for a week so that it stayed intact until 7 arrived. Got home two nights ago to find it sitting on my porch and happily spent 2 hours installing it on my computer with no problem. Wake up the next morning and used it several times during the day and soon fell in love with it as it ran faster than Vista. Start it up later in the afternoon and it goes into an endless cycle of entering into startup repair, searches for problems, finds none, and then does it again. Get on the phone with HP and he had me run some tests in the BIO and deducts that my harddrive or motherboard are fried. Now I have to send it out for repair, and just days before I go on vacation and build season start. Just my luck!

But I really like Windows7 :slight_smile: But I might go to a mac down the road as my cousin has had his for several years with no problems and it runs so much faster than my computer.

I’d have to ask anyone who doesn’t have more than 20 minutes of experience with, well, anything to refrain from comparing it to products they have extensive experience with. You simply cannot adapt to a new operating system, or much of anything for that matter, in only 20 minutes, making any opinions created during that experience essentially invalid.

It’s an opinion, how can it not be valid? Because it differs from your opinion? :slight_smile:

I’ve used Mac OS for quite a bit more than 20 minutes, although in fairness I have to admit that it was Mac OS 1 thru 7 so it’s not very fair to compare it to modern Windows computers.

I never did like CP/M, but I have a pretty good feel for MS-DOS.

Every now and then I drag an old Kaypro luggable out of the basement and play with CP/M, just to remind myself how bad it is

Ubuntu Linux > Windows 7 > Mac OS X.6 > Vista > XP

I’m currently running Ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop and desktop (desktop is virtualizing Win7).

Screenshots :smiley:

Linux allows me to have a lot of flexibility over my system and frankly it’s a saviour for programmers, built in Python/PHP and a majority of the GNU Compiler Collection. Ubuntu’s gedit is a great programming editor IMO and it uses only a few MB of RAM on my system. Not to mention it’s external tools plugin is awesome.

I always had a preference for Unisys 1100 series Exec 8. Mainly because where I worked, I had the source code and could modify it as needed.

It got to be too much work, cheaper to just throw hardware at it. But, some of it still lives at Apple.

Good story, hope it gets fixed fast.
If you think a mac runs fast, try running DOS on a modern computer. That was when elegance wasn’t an option - if you couldn’t make it run in <640k RAM, it didn’t run - and people still had to get things done as fast as possible, but with a 5 MHz clock speed.

For certain (non-commercial) programs, I still run DOS, because it’s easier to write in and executes very fast on a 100 MHz Pentium. Same calculations in XP take longer.

Of course, my daily PC runs XP. Another prisoner of Windows. It could be worse (CP/M for instance):rolleyes:

No, because it’s an uneducated opinion. I won’t voice claims about Linux (which I have used for about an hour or two), and I would certainly hope that people who have attempted to learn another OS would do the same.
A rational person wouldn’t claim that a particular brand automobile is inferior to another if all they’ve done is test drive both. They wouldn’t gain any insight into the reliability, durability, or performance of the car in various conditions.
While a first impression is a valid aspect of an educated opinion, it simply isn’t sufficient to create one on it’s own in the case of operating systems.


I don’t want to spend the money it would cost to acquire a “valid” opinion of the current Mac OS.