I love build season and and was wondering if any of you guys partake in other FIRST-like robotics competitions in the offseason and summer. If so, what are they?
I love build season and and was wondering if any of you guys partake in other FIRST-like robotics competitions in the offseason and summer. If so, what are they?
There’s OCCRA in MI, and BunnyBots in the PNW (with a branch off elsewhere).
Most of us are too busy prepping for offseasons, though.
Our team has usually attended Chezy Champs during the offseasons. CC imo is one of the tougher competitions since it’s pretty much as tough as champs. If you are around CA, there is a list now of the scheduled/announced comps (2023 California Offseason Events)
We’re in South Carolina and attend SCRAP over the summer. We also run/host SCRIW and take part in that in October!
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