Our intake is passing over chassis - bumper rules

Hi, our intakes gear bearly out of chassis and for all we know it does not suit bumper rules. Can we add aluminum box profile to that side or assembling parts with 8 inch spaced (We heard it somewhere, can be hearsay).

For something that size you’ll need to expand your frame perimeter using box tube or something else.


It’s pretty easy to make swerve spacers that push the frame perimeter out

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You could also just trim this bit off as long as there is still a little material for the bearing or attachment points to the arm. Looks like you would need to go to a smaller sprocket though (maybe not desirable as it can exacerbate backlash as larger angular changes in the arm.)


I thought the same but don’t like the chain shifting required.

The problem with expanding then frame perimeter is that it affects the bumper locations, which in turn affects intake placement/reach…


The frame perimeter is defined as being in the bumper zone. Something higher than the bumper zone is not defined as frame perimeter although it can be on the frame perimeter. That place is also articulated so it would not be frame perimeter in any case. Your intake gear is not a minor provision and will not pass inspection as it is.

My thoughts exactly. Posting a side view with the intake extended out fully would be helpful to better understand the constraints your working under.

OP needs to tweak the arm geometry (piece is currently mdf) either way, whether the pivot gets moved in or frame perimeter gets moved out. Trimming the sprocket is a losing move.

It makes more sense to me to add a spacer to push the frame perimeter out past the intake than to remanufacture the aluminum intake pivot plate, as long as the resulting new frame perimeter is still legal size and the bumpers can be made to fit.

The simplest would be a 2x1 tube the entire length of that side.

There is no rule that a swerve has to be square or a swerve has to have it’s wheels at the corners. We had enough extra frame perimeter to add almost 6" to our original chassis plan…