Our plan for tracking...

So i thought of doing everything on the cRio but then i thought…

  1. too much data for it to process
    2.harder to get numbers without a visual representation
  2. I have an extra netbook

So my plan was to:

  1. use software called roborealm
  2. Put it on the netbook
  3. put the netbook on the robot
  4. Send all the data through networking directly on the robot

So i tried it and it works pretty good,

Pros of roborealm

  1. Computer does all of the work
  2. visual representation of the threshholding and tracking
  3. easy to set up

Cons of roborealm
1.Requires a computer on the robot (we have plenty of weight to work with)
2. robot is having a hard time locking on (moving to fast we slowed it down)

So how does it work,
Using some easy modules the software provides you can easily track the 4 targets and separate the one you want to lock onto say the top target, then we can get the X coord * 255 / Image width to get a simple PWM value then on the robot we set a max PWM value for our motors and tada simple tracking done! any questions i would be happy to help.

Just wondering, how are you sending signals over the network? UDP or TCP, and if TCP who is the server?

Im using TCP and the robot is the server,

Mentor Mac here. I inspected at Hatboro-Horsham HS. Philadelphia, William Grove. One team had there Classmate on board the robot. They wanted more power/speed for the camera image. If you really; really need to find out who they are. I can narrow the field down greatly. Talk to me at [email protected].

Thomas out; 10 4

Im sorry what?

The team used a small laptop to do image processing and take the load off of the cRIO.

I would be afraid of this not being allowed by some inspectors/events. I’ll be doing image processing on my laptop, but the laptop will be at the driver area.

Plans, plans, plans… Just get something working first then make plans. If you can’t even get the basic components working, your plans are worthless.

We just came back from a regional and it is completely legal to have a netbook or other computing device on your robot, be did our plan and it worked great vision tracking was flawless.

The plans are 3 weeks old i just felt like sharing them, we already did the above :slight_smile: