we are using a double solenoid to control our claw, and it isnt working. i believe i have programmed it correctly but i wanted someone to double check.
here is my code. when i press button 5 it should extend the claw, and when i hit button 4 it should retract the claw. although nothing actuates, when i hit a button the corresponding side of the solenoid lights up.
have you tried to manually activate the valves?
Do you see any indicator lights on either side?
Do you hear any clicking when you try and activate the valve?
Allthough i dont really know how to program in labview nor really read labview code, i had this same problem yesterday at a scrimmage, What was wrong was that in our code we were calling for two seperate solenoids, but instead we were supposed to call for a single “doublesolenoid” and it worked after that, no we just hold down button “2” and our grabber is held open, even though this will be in java it might help.
Your code looks ok to me, just you don’t need the case statements. If you are using 24v solenoids make sure your solenoid breakout is hooked up to 24v and not 12v.