Out of Spec CIM motor

Hey Guys and Gals
I was mentoring the kids on one of my teams (1155 and 2265) and found an out of spec CIM motor, in that one of the 10/32 mounting holes was way more than the specified 1 deg out of alignment from the 90 deg mark (by more than 1/2 the hole diameter - I could do the math, not important)

Not sure what the team wants to do (we have spares, so…) but wanted to give a heads up in case anyone has not checked their motors

More than 1/2 the hole diameter? That’s massive. We definitely would have noticed by now. If it came in the KoP, it’s too late to submit it as a problem. If you bought it in the past few months, you can probably get a replacement from the vendor.

Could you post a picture please? I’m curious to see what it would look like. Additionally, you may wish to contact the vendor to see if they can do anything. FRC vendors tend to have some of the best customer service I’ve dealt with.

My team has had a CIM which is significantly larger than standard sitting around the shop for quite a while, I’ll see if I can get pictures of it later today. I remember it being a larger diameter, but nothing came up when i googled the part number.

The extra-large CIMs came in the kit years and years ago, but haven’t been legal for a long time. (We have, I think, four.)

If I recall correctly, the unusually large CIM was the “minibike motor”, last used in the 2006 KOP.

That’s actually really interesting to know, thanks. I always figured it just got sent in place of a proper CIM on year by mistake.