Possible ways to disarm outer works and be an efficient enough alliance to truly shine. Now, this would be some of the best possibilities, but they are not ideas to tangle yourself up about.
Member #1=Specifically designed as a quick shooter whose speed at shooting can bring down a tower within the 2 min and 15 sec teleop. Now, along with the shooter this bot should be equipped with easy boulder pickup as well as a drivetrain that can withstand a defensive bot pushing it around. The unique thing about a bot like this will it’s driver and its shooting mechanism. A two speed drivetrain should work out well for this bot.
Member #2=Okay so if you’ve got a great shooter you will most definitely need a robot with mechanisms that can utterly whip the 8 rotating defenses. Starting off with a calculated width factor that includes the bumpers. A drive train (most likely to be a tank drive will benefit this robot). An arm or lever that can pick up the portcullis, and the ability to manipulate the majestic Chaver de frise (if that’s how it’s spelled). Now, the drivetrain should eliminate the rock wall, moat, ramparts, drawbridge, as well as the rough terrain. the sally port is a no biggie in my opinion. No this robot will either have to be built at least 16" tall or be able to fold in on itself to traverse this obstacle.
Now, with two robots already in place. One with the capability to neutralize all the defenses in the outer works and one with the capability to score as many times as it wants an alliance is in dire need of a defensive specified bot. This is where alliance member number 3 comes into play.
Member #3=Defensive specified bot. Drivetrain superiority, tank treads maybe combined with some fast omni’s or something. A robot with every capability to shut down an opposing bot trying to score on it’s tower without entering the opposing bot’s interior. A fashionable net? Or a large tower to deflect a boulder on it’s course. Now you will not be able to block everything, but you could be a serious hindrance. Now, in the last 20 seconds of teleop (if I’m not mistaken) you will not be able to prevent the opposing alliance from challenging your tower.
At the end of the day, your alliance would be really helpful if they had a retractable arm to pull themselves up with on the enemy’s tower.
If all things are successful your alliance would most likely have one of the highest scoring matches as well as the largest score-to-score differential.
Note: It isn’t wise to build a specified bot. This would be the best case scenario for a specified alliance. Having a superbot would trump all of this but don’t get cocky, some superbots just get in the way so know what you’re going to do ahead of time.
Play it safe and you might lose, step too far out on the branch and you might get hurt. Find a balance and leap for the stars!