We are using netbeans and we have the output to the built in compiler on netbeans, but we can’t get the output to display on the smartdashboard, any help would be greatly appreciated! If you give us basic code for outputting to the smart dashboard that would be even better
SmartDashboard.putData("name", 123)
Is enough to send data. On the dashboard side you should see a field named “name” show up. You can then choose to format it as anything you want.
It’s helpful to add a connection indicator to the SDB so you know when its connected.
Thanks, that makes sense. However, how do I get the “name”, I do not see it on the Driver Station, unless this is not what you meant by the “dashboard side”.
And after looking at the constructor, I am still confused as to what a “key” is. Also, what does the 123 in your code signify?
Thanks again!
Do you have the SmartDashboard running? The SmartDashboard is not the default dashboard or driver station. You can get it here. It’s intended to be a replacement for the default dashboard, and easier to customize.
The SmartDashboard displays data based on the key of the data. The first parameter of putData is the key, the second is the data. If I wrote putData(“Gyro Heading”, gyro.getAngle());, a field would be created called “Gyro Heading” with the current value of the gyro. Subsequent calls to putData with the key “Gyro Heading” would update the same field instead of creating a new one.
The 123 was just a sample value to send.
Alright thanks, I had downloaded the file previously, but I was confused why it was merely blank when I ran it. It makes sense now.
Now, do you have any idea how I would go about putting the camera feed from the default dashboard onto this Smart Dashboard?
Thanks so much!
I believe there is an option to add a camera widget on the top of the SmartDashboard. its under add->.
granted i havent got smartdashboard to connect, so idk if it works.
Hey im kinda new to the SmartDashboard. Is it legal to use in competition?
Absolutely. Any dashboard is. It’s the Driver Station that cannot be changed.
It’s legal and uses TCP/IP port 1735 which has been opened this year in the field management system.