Outreach opportunity - 3D printing help

Hi Kim,

Tony P. Found my business card in a bag of tourniquet parts I had printed some months ago and called me. (Apparently the shipping arrangements set up by Jakub Kaminski weren’t working reliably.) I had stopped making parts some weeks ago after seeing the message saying the program had ended, on the tourniquets for Ukraine web page. I would like to restart things, but would welcome information about what’s really going on, and what is currently needed. Only windlasses?

Email works best for me:
George Gollin
University of Illinois
[email protected]

Hi George,

Thanks for reaching out and for the help you have already provided. My direct contact is still seeking the tourniquet parts. Here is the e-mail I recently received from him:

We are in Production and in desperate need of only this piece (windlass). Please spread the word

They can be mailed to me directly

Anthony Pate
23225 Doremus
Saint Clair shores, MI

If you are still interested in making more I know they would be very grateful (his step-daughter is on our team currently)

Very good. I’ll do a dozen at a time; with the settings I use it’ll take about 31 hours per dozen.

I’ll need to develop a new way of keeping score! I’ve made 400 sets of parts so far, with each set comprising four different pieces for one tourniquet. But those were complete sets.

Here are a couple of photos.

Printing four sets on an Ultimaker S5:

Just to see what it looked like: (inadequate) webbing threaded through one set of parts.

…and away we go!

George Gollin
Professor of Physics and Director, Master of Engineering Programs
437d Loomis Laboratory of Physics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1110 West Green Street
Urbana, IL 61801
+1 217.333.4451


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