Overall stats for ALL teams that attended the Championship Event in 2004.

Hey all, I searched for this info but to no avail.

My team leader was looking for a listing of overall rankings of all teams (in every division) that attended the Championship Event this year.

Something that would include, overall rankings, matches played, QP’s and such.

I know someone did this for the Championship Event last year (2003).

Did anyone make this list for 2004??

its not a single document like you would like,but the www.Soap108.com Website i believe has those types of overal stats. in there stats section. but i dont know if you can isolate the Championship Stats, since all the stats ive seen so far are stricly full season stats. i dont know if that helps

I believe that Karthik did something going into the Championships but I am not sure if he did anything after. HEY Karthik, You there??? Here’s your chance to shine for a change instead of being beaten down by the superior folks at 188. :rolleyes:

Steve’s referring to my 2004 Scouting Spreadsheet that I made going throughout the 2004 season. A version with all the data from the regional season is available here. As for the championship, I did update the spreadsheet with the Atlanta data, unfortunately the only copy is on my GM laptop. I’ll see if I can find someone who can fish the file out. If not, I could re-tabulate everything.


Here’s what FIRST has on their page.

Archimedes: StandingsMatches
Curie: StandingsMatches
Galileo: StandingsMatches
Newton: StandingsMatches