Overture 23619 & 26381 | FTC Build Blog 2024-2025 | Open Alliance

Welcome to Overture’s 2024-2025 FTC build thread!

Overture is thrilled to join the FTC Open Alliance for the 2024 - 2025 season. We are excited to continue sharing our experiences with the rest of the FIRST community.

A little about us

We are 23619 & 26381, a couple of FIRST Tech Challenge teams from Monterrey, Mexico. We started competing in the 2023-2024 season with our first FTC team, 23619, expanding from our FRC Team 7421 and this year we are opening a second team, 26381, to continue with our goal of spreading an interest in the field of science and technology within our team and our community

How often will we be posting

Hopefully we will be updating the blog two times a week. As we started the blog some time into the season we will be probably posting more often as the blogs catches up with current time in our season

With what tools do we work with

Like previous year we are continuing using OnShape and our CAD links will be updated on real time through the season.

As for software we will be posting the repositories as soon as they are created and available. We will be developing our code in Java and will be posting our FTC simulation and custom library soon as well.

2024-2025 Overture Season Resources

For starting the blog here are some important links and resources.


A little bit of a late post due to some of our students working on both FRC and FTC and they had been working on getting ready for our last off-season, the Mexico AllStar.

Krayon CAD

We have been working on the KrayonCAD for both teams for the past couple of months. While KrayonCAD is mainly focused on FRC Robots, we decided to make a combination of Krayon CAD and available parts for FTC for our first CAD version of each robot.

Overture Purple 23619

For the initial idea of 23619, we decided to use a slider mechanism for handling gamepieces and two telescoping arms for the endgame. There is still work to do on the CAD but we have decided to use the Gobilda Viper-Slide Kits for the slider mechanism. We are still working on the telescoping and what kit to use for it.

Overture White 26381

As for 26381, this robot will be using the same mechanism for gamepiece handling and endgame climbing, the mechanism will ys two Gobilda Viper-Slide Kits instead of only one compared to 23619.


Our field arrived a couple of weeks ago and is already set up in our shop. We hope to start testing the robots and prototypes on the field by the end of the month. So expect some updates with actual robot prototypes and testing soon.

What’s Next?

We are planning to finish the CAD for both robots by the next couple of days and start ordering parts for the robots. We are also planning to start the build of the robots by the end of the month.



The main CAD for both robots is almost done there have been some changes from the KrayonCAD and we are still working on the final details of the robots and parts should be arriving on the next couple of weeks.

While this post is not going to have all of the details on the robots just yet, I wanted to share the progress we have made on the CAD for both robots. By next week we will be posting a more detailed post on each robot with more updated CAD, but still here are some screenshots and the OnShape links for both robots.

Overture Purple 23619

Overture Purple 26381


Detailed CAD Explanation Overture Purple 23619

Our goal as a team is to have a robot that is quick and effective at scoring specimens and samples in all places possible respectively, having a trustful climb that assures maximum points achieved per match, all with a simple design along the way.


In our drivetrain we tried to keep things simple, using a C channel configuration we mounted a belly pan in which plan to construct the rest of the robot with a solid base below it for good support, regarding the electronics mounting them on side walls seems as the best idea for the complete idea of the robot maintaining them on a places far from moving parts and with an easy access, keeping the battery on the underside of the belly pan allows of to have a lower center of gravity which proves useful for a tall robot like ours. Last but not least the 1x1 inch tubing extrusions are meant for our climbing method which involves a handoff motion, said extrusions are put in place with end caps to the belly pan.


Following the same methodology of working with simple things the arm mechanism is quite a simple mechanism really, we are using goBILDA’s 4 stage viper slide kits, mounting them on two columns that sustain the entirety of the mechanism, inside of the columns is located the motor that powers the arm movement, a hook is planned to be installed on the last stage in order to climb in combination with the handoffs on the chassis. The entire structure is mounted to the chassis via REV ION nut strips which have proven to be a strong ally during the design process. With this arm we intend to reach all of the scoring zones on the field quickly and effectively.


On our intake mechanism we encountered a somewhat big issue regarding which idea to use, we need something that was effective grabbing both samples and specimens, we brainstormed bunch of ideas with no real progress, until Robonauts Everybot was revealed, noticing it was what we needed we started to question the possibility of implementing the intake they presented, and so we did, the original design of the intake itself was already perfect for our robot, the only changes we did was the hole made for better adaptation to the slider. Since all the material needed from 3D printing to gears and wheels are things we have it became the perfect option for our robot.


Detailed CAD Explanation Overture White 26381

To start off, our robot was designed to accomplish scoring samples into both the high and low basket; specimens into the high and low chamber; as well as climbing onto the low and high rung. It is divided into five main mechanisms:


In our drivetrain we tried to keep things simple, using a C channel configuration we mounted a belly pan in which plan to construct the rest of the robot with a solid base below it for good support, regarding the electronics mounting them on side walls seems as the best idea for the complete idea of the robot maintaining them on a places far from moving parts and with an easy access, keeping the battery on the underside of the belly pan allows of to have a lower center of gravity which proves useful for a tall robot like ours. Last but not least the 1x1 inch tubing extrusions are meant for our climbing method which involves a handoff motion, said extrusions are put in place with end caps to the belly pan.


This mechanism can easily reach up to all game structures inside the field, this includes both the high basket, high rung, etc. It has a total of four stages, one motor per slide kit, and two at the base responsible for rotation. Its axis is mounted upon a dead axle, stepped bushings, and sprockets for chains; this so we could get a sturdier build and much more precise movements. The elevator also has two servos at the end of its stages that are responsible for the motion of the intake.

The climber consists of a pair of hooks that will reside in two different stages of the elevator. The first step of the climbing process relies on the 90 degree extension of the elevator, where the outer stage rises and allows the hooks to be pushed by tube and returned to their original position by rubber bands. Once they are above it, these two mechanisms will then hold onto the tube as the elevator’s stages close in; allowing the second pair of hooks to be able to attach onto the low rung and give way for the outermost stage to extend once again, push and return its hooks and accomplish the climb. Basically, a handoff motion.

This is an image showcasing where the hook can be pushed downwards by tube so that when the stage arises, the hooks can return to their original position being held in place by a small piece of polycarbonate designed as a mechanical stop, and holding onto the rungs.


This is our first draft of what our intake will look like, we will be certainly testing out different versions of it throughout the building process of the robot, however, this design is made entirely by 3D print. We wanted to go for something that was “touch it, own it” so that we could grab pieces much more quickly. It consists of one servo that rotates both hex shafts in the mechanism. They are connected through two small sprockets and a single chain; the front row has three 30mm traction wheels responsible for grabbing the samples and a small extension at the back that connects to two servos in the elevator that ensure rotation and movement of the entire intake, this to be able to grab pieces from the submersible and be able to score into the baskets without having to rotate the entire robot.

Specimen mechanism

For this mechanism we opted for a basic claw powered by a single GoBILDA servo, which will be mounted on the top of the elevator and requires a 90 degree angle in order to grab the specimens. We made sure the claw could tuck itself inside and outside the elevator so that it doesn’t become an obstacle when climbing. This, just like the intake, is our first rough draft and will be edited as we notice areas of improvement.


Build Progress

This week besides finishing the CAD for both robots, we started 3D printing our robot parts, got some aluminum plates cut and finally received our ordered parts.

With all of the parts needed we are finally doing some progress building the robots, we have been:


Build Progress on 23619 Robot

After a week of not having any meetings due to finals week, we are back to work. This week we have been working on finishing building 23619 robot and getting also getting FTC library ready.

Build Progress

Robot is basically done there are still some small details that need to be fixed but the robot is ready for the software team to start working on it.

Important things that we build this week:

  • The chassis got assembled and basic electronics were installed.

  • The elevator got attached to the robot

  • We finished 3D printing the parts that needed for the claw and got them assembled.

  • Added the chain to the pivot arm.

What’s Next?

So what are we going to do next?

  • We are going to start programming the 23619 robot.

  • Finish printing some parts for 26381 robot.

  • Start building the 26381 robot.

  • Finish the FTC library and Simulator.


What went wrong with the 23619 robot

So after finishing building the 23619 robot, we started doing some testing mechanically and with software. We found the following issues:


  • The elevator and intake were too heavy and broke the 3d printed parts that hold the pivot arm.

The Fix: We will be changing the material from PETG to Nylon reinforced with carbon fiber.

  • Again the elevator and intake were too heavy and the motor extending the elevator can’t lift it when the pivot is above 45 degrees.

The Fix: We will be changing the motor to one with more torque. (Still needs more testing)

What about the 26381 robot?

We have started building the 26381 robot and we are making good progress. We have the chassis and the elevator done. We are now working on the intake.

What’s Next?

  • Finish building the 26381 robot.

  • Finish Programming the 23619 robot.

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Happy New Year!

First of all, Happy New Year to everyone! I hope you all had a great time with your family and friends. This post comes a little late as this is a update on what we did before going on vacations a couple of weeks ago.

26381 Robot is done

We finished building the 26381 robot before going on vacations. We haven had the chance to test it but hope to have videos of testing by next week.

23619 Robot

We have begun programming the 23619 robot and managed to get our pivot and elevator working.


Also we will be finally posting here the github repository for both robots.

OvertureLib FTC

We have been working on a library for FTC that we will be using for both robots, this library has been in the works for a couple of months now and we are getting close to a first release. We will be posting the repository here as soon as we have a first release.

What’s Next?

  • Finish programming the 26381 robot.

  • Start and finish programming the 23619 robot.

  • Test both robots.

  • Break them (Hopefully they break now instead of during the competition).

  • Fix them.

  • Break them again (Hopefully not this time).

  • Fix them.

  • And most importantly, name them. We will be using motorcyles names for the robots to keep the tradition going.

  • Also, we will try to post more often here


Hi! Have you already tried the 23619 climber? If yes, do you guys have any videos of it?

Yes, we have actually kind of tested both of them but it was just before winter break, so we were not able to test them properly.


We had some issues with this climber as the elevator belt was not tensioned correctly and some of the bolts were getting the elevator stuck sometimes, will be working on that soon.


We haven’t really tested it that much but it seems that the climber can actually hold all the weight of the robot.


23619 Mechanism Testing

So after a few days of distraction due to the FRC Kick Off we were able to get the 26319 Mechanisms working and scoring.

What’s next for this robot:

  • Test and fix climbing mechanism

  • Fine tuning of the pivot

  • Autonomous

Here are a few videos of the robot testing.

26381 Progress

What’s missing from 26381 Robot?

  • Finish programming

  • Fix some mechanical issues

  • Test

  • Tune mechanisms

  • Autonomous

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