Welcome to Overture’s 2024 build thread! 
Overture is thrilled to join the Open Alliance for the upcoming 2024 season!
We are team 7421, a FIRST Robotics Competition team from Monterrey, Mexico. We started competing in the 2019 season with approximately 35 team members and 5 years later, there are over 50 students and 10 mentors involved in the project.
Through our “Assembling leaders” vision, we have spread an interest in the field of science and technology within our team and our community. Overture’s mission is about creating independent students who also are leaders of change and inspire those around them. We look to become role models for other teams by making mistakes, putting on our trial and error, and ensuring the students learn from this process. This is how we’ll become changemakers for the future of STEAM education in Mexico.
2024 Overture Season Resources
Our 2023 Season Highlights
2023 Season Recap
For the 2023 season, we decided to create an arm with two degrees of freedom, something we had never done before! What did we learn from all this? Building an arm is time-consuming and more complicated than we initially thought.
This is Miura, our robot for the 2023 season: Charged Up.
A bit of Miura in the field.
The challenge? Figuring out how to do it before week one events and not dying in the process. Did we succeed?
"Yes… but not in the timeframe we would have liked.”
To better control the double-jointed arm, we initially used our custom kinematics class at regional events. However, the joints’ movements weren’t consistently smooth or fast enough. After the season, we switched to the TalonFX Motion Magic, which improved joint speed and control.
2023 Off-Season Projects (Mechanical / Programming)
For the OffSeason, we decided to build another robot with a mechanism we had never attempted before as part of our preparation for this upcoming season. What did we choose? An elevator…more precisely, an elevator similar to the one used by team 1678, but adapted to our resources and limitations.
This is Mauro, who participated in this 2023 OffSeason Mexico-All Star and The Remix.
- Auto
- We also decided to renovate our Driver Station and “OverMaquina” (where we transport the robot).
Here are some photos and the CAD for each.
2023 Off-Season Project Community
2023 Purple Camp - We hosted two weeks of fun, innovation, science, and technology, where 42 children aged 8 to 14 had the opportunity to learn about FIRST.
Overture Kids School Program Update - A program that we have been running for our third year. We visit a school where we give classes using LEGO, organize general knowledge tournaments, math tournaments, and a book drive and donation. This cycle concluded with a holiday celebration after a total of 7 visits to the school, impacting 250 children.
OverVlogs - Our Youtube videos for the community and other teams to watch, we’ve uploaded 3 vlogs that reached 3K views, and two more are currently in editing. This season, the plan is to continue with these OverVlogs.
OverTraining - This is our third year mentoring other FRC teams, we consistently support 4 teams in areas such as Programming, Mechanics, Business, and Marketing, all while assisting with their competition registrations, as well as coordinating travel plans with them.
FTC Team 23619 - After 5 years, we opened our first FTC team to serve as an education bridge from FLL to FRC. Team 23619 is in its rookie season for Centerstage and will compete in February in the Monterrey Regional.
Co-hosted the first Official Mexican OffSeason: Mexico All-Star - For the first time in 20 years, the first OffSeason event in Mexico was registered and successfully executed. We had the opportunity to support logistics and assist in running the event. We hosted 35 teams, participated in the competition, and volunteered.
Software Organization Update - 2023
- Miura Robot Code & Mauro Robot Code (Off Season)
- During the 2023 OffSeason, we began crafting an in-house library to speed up our code development for next year. It handles motor and encoder declarations, along with our core swerve code. The library is still a work in progress and might change a lot before the next season begins as it’s starting to look more like a codebase than a library.
- For the 2024 season, we planned to switch from C++ to Java because we started an FTC team. Initially, we wanted language consistency across teams, but due to time constraints, we decided to postpone the switch until after the 2024 Houston Championship.