Heyo, I kno there’s a lot of oxymorons out there and just wanted to see how many u ppl kno off the top of your head. (no cheating going off 2 another site) I’ll just start it off.
Virtual Reality
Heyo, I kno there’s a lot of oxymorons out there and just wanted to see how many u ppl kno off the top of your head. (no cheating going off 2 another site) I’ll just start it off.
Virtual Reality
western civilaztion
-Microsoft Works
-Rap Music
-Sponge Cake
-Jumbo Shrimp
I know Ive heard more, just cant remember them…
military intelligence
"‘A tedious brief scene of young Pyramus
And his love Thisbe; very tragical mirth.’
Merry and tragical! tedious and brief!
That is hot ice and wondrous strange snow.
How shall we find the concord of this discord?"
– Shakspeare’s “Midsummer Night’s Dream”
yes, that was from memory =-]
Little Big Horn (Custer’s last stand)
resident alien
found missing
angel of death
same difference (my favorite)
government organization
freezer burn
My screen name is an owymoron and i didn’t even realize it!! :rolleyes:
Microsoft works is my favorite.
How about “white rapper”, and “black golfer”? Also, “honest politician”, “celibate priest”, and “postal service”.
Jumbo Shrimp
Goverment Organization
Centered around
Budget Surplus
This one really annoys me,
Free gift.
how about:
organized chaos
moving statue
sweet suffering
blind vision
Quiet music
alone in a crowd
single pair
-Legally Drunk
-freezer burn
-12 ounce pound cake
cold fire
What about Fatboy Slim?
“I was seriously joking.”
“That was seriously funny.”
“Seriously, I was just kidding.”
… you get the picture.
Dodge Ram
Same difference my fave