
Heyo, I kno there’s a lot of oxymorons out there and just wanted to see how many u ppl kno off the top of your head. (no cheating going off 2 another site) I’ll just start it off.

Virtual Reality

western civilaztion :wink:

-Microsoft Works
-Rap Music
-Sponge Cake
-Jumbo Shrimp

I know Ive heard more, just cant remember them…

military intelligence

"‘A tedious brief scene of young Pyramus
And his love Thisbe; very tragical mirth.’

Merry and tragical! tedious and brief!
That is hot ice and wondrous strange snow.
How shall we find the concord of this discord?"
– Shakspeare’s “Midsummer Night’s Dream”

yes, that was from memory =-]

Little Big Horn (Custer’s last stand)

resident alien

found missing

angel of death

same difference (my favorite)
government organization
freezer burn


My screen name is an owymoron and i didn’t even realize it!! :rolleyes:

Microsoft works is my favorite.

How about “white rapper”, and “black golfer”? Also, “honest politician”, “celibate priest”, and “postal service”.

Jumbo Shrimp
Goverment Organization

Centered around
Budget Surplus :stuck_out_tongue:

This one really annoys me,
Free gift.

how about:
organized chaos
moving statue
sweet suffering
blind vision
Quiet music
alone in a crowd
single pair

-Legally Drunk
-freezer burn
-12 ounce pound cake

  • airline food

cold fire

What about Fatboy Slim?

  • rap music
  • second best
  • exact estimate
  • computer jock


“I was seriously joking.”
“That was seriously funny.”
Seriously, I was just kidding.”

… you get the picture. :slight_smile:

  • Katie

Dodge Ram

Same difference my fave
