p2 not working?

We’ve set our robot to use a single joystick drive, planning to use a seperate joystick (manned by a second operator) to operate our claw/arm/etc… The problem is that the robot doesn’t seem to be getting feed from the second joystick.

Do we need to initialize this second joystick somehow, because I don’t remember initializing the first one to begin with. (The terminal window that opens after using the IFI Loader only shows the inputs from p1_y, p1_x, p1_trig, and p1_top)

Could you include your code and your controller configuration? I could not really help otherwise.

also, are you using easyC or Mplab

The printout in the terminal is only an example. The values for the second joystick are available in the variables that you might expect (p2_x, p2_y, etc.). You just don’t happen to be printing them out.

i think your triggers need to p1_sw_trig

That’s correct: you don’t need to init the joysticks. Yes, the port 2 values are accessed just like port 1 except using “p2_” instead of “p1_”.

Is the second joystick broken? Plug it into port 1 to see if it will work like the other joystick.

If you can add printf’s to print the p2_ values, that should help you figure things out.

If you’re still stuck, post more info and code…