PA FRC Teams: Whoever found my Flash Drive. Come Forth. Be Knighted.

I live near the New Jersey, Pennsylvania boarder. Last winter I lost my 64 Gig Flash Drive I was. I thought I might have lost it at a filling station in NJ when I pulled out my wallet.

Several weeks later our team leader received it in the mail from Pennsylvania. Turns out that the one who found it at the filling station was a member of an FRC team in PA. The only recognizable thing on the drive (for them) was a directory FRC 2013 and another one called 4281. What a stroke of luck!

Problem is, the envelope was lost so now we don’t know who sent it.

If you are out there reading this, step up, take credit, be Knighted! If you wish to remain anonymous that is ok but please except my heart felt appreciation!

I love to hear stories like this! This is why I love the FIRST community!